either that or I dont' know what to look for. or maybe I don't want to see.
what do you do to try to avoid forming new n-relationships? what do you look for?
Hi Satori...
You might have answered your own question very well. All I can say, and from plenty of self experience (of not seeing) too, is to begin to
see.... I truly believe that there are
always clues that people give out if there will be a potential serious behavioral problem. There will always be warning signs or "red flags".
Related to NPD specifically, having read up on it and participated in forums where N traits, behaviors, life situations are commonly discussed, I think if anything, we might be paranoid and seeing N behavior where it is not, rather than vice versa.
I think a big challenge is to really
see the truth, versus what we want to see. It adds so much to ones life when a partnership is truly right, so it is understandable why human nature is to rationalize, and look the other way, hoping we've finally found that.
So I guess my answer to your question is
listen to your intuition. I believe it will always tell you, and quite early on, when something is really wrong within a person.
I had very serious intuitive warnings with my last dating parnter (who had N traits) as early as in the first week! I continued to feel these warnings regularly, but ignored or rationalized them. In the end, I stayed for a painful 5 years...