I understand what you are saying about the voicelessness, Nparents speaking for you. Whenever an adult talked directly to me, even as my mouth was open and the first words spoken, NM took over - "Oh, she thinks this and this and this." Burned in my memory is the look of pity I received from the other adult. How I wish someone would have said "Sorry, NM, I addressed my comment to Logy."
I have always had difficulties with relationships. Love and friend relationships. I didn't understand why for a long time. But with my understanding now of Narcissism, I realize that any good relationship I had, NM continually bombarded me with comments about how that person didn't treat me right. It didn't matter if it was my best friend from high school, my dad, my husband, my daughter, my coworker. I see now it was just an attempt by her to make HER the only person in the world who was interested in me and to isolate me so she would have ultimate control. So ultimately I pushed those people away. The ONE relationship that made me question NM's opinion and led me to try to figure out what was wrong was the relationship with my daughter. I loved her with all my being and did everything I could to be a good mother. And when NM isn't in the picture, we have a great nurturing relationship. When she was a child I loved her unconditionally, supported her, guided her, disciplined her and she learned to express herself, develop self-control, and occasionally say I was her best friend. When she was a child NM did her best to convince her that I was selfish, I didn't have her best interests in mind, NM was the only one who REALLY cared about her.
My daughter and I had some difficult times due to this manipulation. But I wasn't going to lose THIS relationship! Now my daughter sees through the manipulation, the bullying. And NM doesn't control our relationship any more. We have our own relationship, good times, bad times, but it is ours!!!