Heart - I used to believe (oh the power of myth) that if I gave up my version of depression I'd lose my "creative powers". That ideas simply wouldn't occur to me anymore, because I saw the alternative to depression as some sort of blissful, idiotic la-la land. Where ideas and unique solutions simply wouldn't matter - because if people are already "happy" - then motivation evaporated. In my vocabulary, this belief might've been a continuation of "kid logic"... or it might've been a projection; another "us/them" scenario from my Nmom... and it should've been a "temporary", life-event based type of depression; but it wasn't because there wasn't anyone to help me see the big picture, back then...
... so I was "left alone" to come to my senses; exiled; buried in a dark, tentatively "safe" place...
... where I developed/presented a depressed "mask" to Nmom to protect and be able to escape into my "other world" of make-believe fairy-tales where mothers were kind, cared about what you were interested in, and helped you magically create your own "magic kingdom" - your own life. Like some genie - the mask took over eventually and I lost my way back to the magic kingdom.
After the mask took over, you'd have had to pry that world/life view from my dead cold hands... I was SO identified with it; it was ME.
Well, I was wrong. At least, I've endured risking stepping outside of that world view enough to realize that I was wrong. The ideas are still there. I won't say I have as much need-based, driven motivation anymore (my intuition tells me that the drive to express myself creatively just might've been garden-variety lonliness - a need to express myself to say: hey- I exist!) to create - but I have a lot more energy to create. It's no longer a desperate, driven, need to create... it's shifted to a "what if I did this... and maybe if I tried this..." playful dancing "the results don't matter" type of motivation. And I do it more often - less in traditional creative materials; more in ordinary day to day life. At least, right now.
For me, creativity is right brained - free of the process enough to imagine what might be; but respectful and interested enough in the left-brained process-based how-to - to try to figure out how the two can collaborate and "make it so". **
Depression for me, is when r-brain is so overwhelmed with details - drowning in them - or in imagined emotional consequences/fears - that it forgets - or is too busy & preoccupied (ruminating) - to access the step-by-step, patient, plodding "how-to" part of my brain.
I think that depression just a bit different for everyone... experienced a bit differently and different things going on... but there are also some tantalizing commonalities, that don't really resolve into a definable, repeatable (and therefore predictable) pattern. So it's possible to troubleshoot it - after the fact; but it's not possible to design a "rule" or prescriptive behavior to prevent it because life is infinitely variable and so are people. What throws me into a tailspin spiraling down into doom/gloom is shrugged off by the next person. And vice versa.
** Then, there is depression from biological reasons - like stroke victim's depression. This is a different set of variables (again, tho' lots of similarities). Being with my MIL who has recovered from a major stroke and may have had another TIA recently that left her physically voiceless for a time has given me a lot of things to think about, on this topic. I observe; we communicate on the topic; I advocate for her as best I can and try to stay on top of the gradual, subtle changes that are going on. I'm not always right - I believed that she simply had laryngitis, as her GP did. She had a paralyzed vocal cord; most likely due to a small stroke. Our different situations can sometimes shed light and offer inspiring "ways out" of each other's predicaments.