Our parents create the world around us when we are young. What we learn at home is what we take to the outside world when we start school and later into work. Our parents have complete control over us, plus, as children, we don't have anything else to compare our lives to so we accept what we are told without question and don't think of it as being unusual. When I think of what I accepted as normal when I was a child and what I now would accept as normal the two couldn't be further apart.
It takes time to erase those old tapes and put in new ones. Your mum didn't say things once or twice, she said them over and over again for years and years and years. We used to do our times tables in school every morning, for three years straight. That was twenty seven years ago, but I still remember those times tables. When it's repeated often enough it sticks and it sticks hard.
If it's any help I have been NC for three years now and my mum's tapes are starting to fade. They're still there and I can still hear them but I'm a lot more aware of them now, I challenge them and I have my own, newer tapes playing as well now.
One thing that helps me is the tapes I am making for my son. I tell him he's clever, I tell him I love him, I call him a good boy. I do 'nice' things for him because that's my responsibility as his mum. I make him say thank you for presents or when we go to someone's house or a shop because that's good manners and I want him to be polite. But I don't believe he should be eternally grateful to me for doing basic stuff like feeding him, clothing him and for looking after his health and his education. He didn't choose to be born, that was down to me, so he doesn't owe me anything. You know what? A smile from him is all the thanks I need, and really, that's all most people need. Working through it all is hard! It's like finding out your whole ife is a lie and having to start again from who knows where, you've got nothing to ground it on so it's tough to find a start point. My life has felt very muddled for a long time now but it's starting to clear. I think it does get easier over time - it's just hard that it's such a long time!
Hugs to you xx