My dad is extrememly intelligent, gifted at his job and well liked. He married an N; however, and she has reinforced throughout his life his insecurities. She has always let him know he is overweight (Gee, I think that woman likes you even though you are heavy), his position (He is not a Doctor, so regardless of the fact he is accomplished and makes a good living, he will never be 'important'), and his fear of being looked down upon (That person didn't come to help you in the store right away. What a bitch. Does she think you are poor?). She has helped turn him into a bitter man. He rarely does anything he enjoys out of fear of being laughed at (i.e., swimming at the beach, any physical exersize). So now my dad lets her buy and ridiculous thing she wants in an effort to prove he finally has enough money. She makes sure everything is 'even' - if my dad gets to fish for three days with his relatives, she has to do something extravagant for three days.
I get very irritated with my dad for being so bitter and not working on his life. But he is the son of an alcoholic N and and the husband of a malicious N. Why can he not see this?