So I'm not alone!
Went to the Doctors yesterday because I have been extremely sick all week and I've never felt this bad. I had the seasonal flu shot in December so thought I was good with the flu status and all. So Doctor says, "statistically, you have the H1N1 virus because there is a less than 5% chance you have seasonal flu due to you getting the shot." Didn't get the H1N1 shot because they have been only giving to "high risk" persons, etc., and they had minimal supply as well.
So there ya have it Bear! "Hello, my name is Bear. It's been beautiful all week and everyone else has been enjoying the sunshine, walking their dogs and going places and I have been in quarantine not even able to play with my daughter...BECAUSE I HAVE FU$@@!! SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!! WHAT? I GOT THE WRONG SHOT??? I SWEAR, THIS SHIT ONLY HAPPENS TO ME!
SO NOW, here I am on day SIX of feeling like I want to die. However, I have slightly turned the corner today as there is about 30% less pain as I hold a dinner fork. My body aches were so bad and the soles of my feet ached like I ran a marathon or something. No fever or anything but the headache and stuffiness and aches are truly horrendous.
Sorry to hijack your thread Motherof2. I really feel your pain. May you all feel better.
Well, I must be feeling a bit better if I had the energy to post my RANT!!!
All the best to you Motherof2!!