Author Topic: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"  (Read 1473 times)


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We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"
« on: March 26, 2010, 09:49:18 AM »
I'm taking my oldest in for a strep test at 11am.

Has anyone ever had strep where the pain came and went?

Trying to decide whether to have myself tested as well, but the pain doesn't stay, so not sure.

BTW, my youngest says "I have the cold,"  like a little Italian immigrant.

She hasn't figured out the difference between "I have the flue" and "I have a cold."



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Re: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2010, 01:50:47 PM »

We have the strep too.


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Re: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2010, 02:01:05 PM »
Hope you all get well again soon Mo2....x


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Re: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2010, 02:06:41 PM »
Yoicks. So sorry you're under the weather...and y'all did the H1N1, too. Dang.

That is adorable that she has "the" cold. :)

Hope you're all soon well and feeling much much better.

Good thing you tested for "the strep".

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep" (H1N1 for Bear!)
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2010, 05:59:09 PM »

So I'm not alone!

Went to the Doctors yesterday because I have been extremely sick all week and I've never felt this bad.  I had the seasonal flu shot in December so thought I was good with the flu status and all.  So Doctor says, "statistically, you have the H1N1 virus because there is a less than 5% chance you have seasonal flu due to you getting the shot."  Didn't get the H1N1 shot because they have been only giving to "high risk" persons, etc., and they had minimal supply as well.

So there ya have it Bear!  "Hello, my name is Bear.  It's been beautiful all week and everyone else has been enjoying the sunshine, walking their dogs and going places and I have been in quarantine not even able to play with my daughter...BECAUSE I HAVE FU$@@!! SWINE FLU!!!!!!!!!! WHAT? I GOT THE WRONG SHOT??? I SWEAR, THIS SHIT ONLY HAPPENS TO ME!

SO NOW, here I am on day SIX of feeling like I want to die. However, I have slightly turned the corner today as there is about 30% less pain as I hold a dinner fork.  My body aches were so bad and the soles of my feet ached like I ran a marathon or something.  No fever or anything but the headache and stuffiness and aches are truly horrendous.

Sorry to hijack your thread Motherof2.  I really feel your pain.  May you all feel better.

Well, I must be feeling a bit better if I had the energy to post my RANT!!!

All the best to you Motherof2!!



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Re: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2010, 06:29:51 PM »
Sorry to hear you guys are sick ... my daughter is sick, probably with the flu too. I got both flu vaccines (regular and hynie) so I'm hoping I'm safe. Had to with my new job in a hospital. However, I've got a migraine so I've been almost as useless as if I really did have the flu.

I had "the strep" in college and thought I was going to die. The ONLY time I ever called my mother to come get me from college, and that was my senior year! Fortunately she was not as callous as some of other board members' mothers and did drive all night to come get me. My throat felt like it was closing up. That was the first time I had ever tasted raspberry juice because I had gone to the store and stocked up on juice ... I still hate raspberries to this day. I have, however, heard of strep not hurting at all, at least not in your throat ... one year my niece had strep and although she tested positive for strep, she had more headaches than a sore throat.


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Re: We have "The Cold" and possibly "The Strep"
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2010, 06:41:54 PM »
I'm feeling bad after what I just wrote.  I know, it's not about me and this can happen to anyone but it just seems like the gods sometimes align in a way that when I am striving for something or wanting something specific or trying to do something important I get slapped down.  I may miss the most important interview for me this week because of this Swine flu thing, it's the second and final interview and I want the job so badly.  I started an exercises program 2 weeks ago and now I can't exercises for nearly 2 weeks until my "general malaise" goes away.  I mean, I haven't gotten the flue in probably 20 years!! WTF??

***sigh**** This may be my NM talking here and the self loathing perspective.  I need to get a grip!
