Anyway the cleaning lady just told me off! And I am rather upset because I talk a lot (rewind to a previous post 'can't keep my mouth shut') and found myself today to have to justify my choices to a total stranger...I guess NM comes in a variety of disguises in my life.
Yes, yes, yes!! I remember the "can't keep my mouth shut" posts. **sigh** Don't know what to tell you but I learn my lessons very slooooooowwwwwwllllyyyyy and that cleaning lady would be just another person I would gab to about things that are "none of her damn business." So why do we do it???? I hate it as well.
Here is something interesting I found out. This is IMHO---- I believe the whole "can't keep my mouth shut" habit has much to do with anxiety and deep-seeded feelings of high-adrenaline anxiety, like always having to be on "high alert." Something I had to learn to survive my NM's rage and abuse. Well, I found something out by accident. I have a terrible fear of flying and asked my doctor what I should do for my 5 hour flight to go see my in-laws. He gave a very low dose medication for anxiety and said that I would be fine. I took it one hour before my flight and had the most comfortable and relaxing flight without feeling foggy, buzzed or anxious in the least bit. I was able to have calm conversations and even fell asleep for about 30 minutes.
Anyway, when my in-laws picked me up (I'm always a bit anxious/nervous around them as they always ask me questions and they are a very tight-knit family and I sometimes feel like an outsider, etc.) I did not "feel the need" to explain anything or overtalk the subjects. I was calm and very brief in my conversations and quite honestly "I couldn't have given a rat's ass" about what they thought about me, or anybody for that matter. So, when we got to my in-laws house, my husband's whole family was there all the brothers and sisters and kids and aunts and uncles, etc., and I was like, "hmmfff, who cares!" I just smiled and had a good time without feeling horribly inept and when someone asked my a question, I stuck to the subject matter and never "offered more than what they bargained for."
So Persephone, I know your situation like it's my own. I don't know for sure if you even feel anxious when you over-explain things, but I do. I truly believe that it is tied in with my level of anxiety and to control it without meds must be an art because I'm still trying to do this.
You are a good person and that cleaning lady is just weird. Sorry. But I think she has some issues herself (boundaries???)
All the best to you and you did the right thing.
Here's to keeping our mouth shut!!