You're so welcome, Sea.
I have really enjoyed my "boarders" for the most part and the income's been a godsend. It's a lower wing, small bedroom, bath, and fairly large paneled study/main room. They share my kitchen, though I've decided when they move on and I get a new person, I'm just going to offer it as a simple suite, and the person can have a microwave and little mini-fridge at one end of the study. And the little folding door I use now to divide their hall off from my kitchen, I'll replace with a solid one. I include all utilities and cable in their rent, and they also can use my wireless internet service. They've been content. (They have another home they're retiring to in another state this summer.)
Since this person is an interim minister at my church, we're pretty relaxed about being housemates. His wife's a challenge at times, but generally we respect each others' privacy and they've been saints about my decrepit incontinent dog and depressed daughter, who was not on the menu when they moved in, but has been here 6 months. I think for a new tenant, some driven post-doc at the local university who spends most of his time on research, etc., would be ideal. I don't want to get two people in there again. But it's really been a good solution for now. We have no formal lease, just an informal agreement we all signed. Either of us can give a month's notice.
A thread is just this topic--didn't want to leave this one up if you preferred not.