Author Topic: Are you serious?  (Read 1401 times)


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Are you serious?
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:58:00 AM »
Hi all,

Does anybody here find that everybody else but them is being responsible?
I often find myself not dealing with my stuff, my life, my issues, 'seriously' enough.
What I mean is that I often feel like a grasshoper in my own life - sing for the summer, get cold and hungry in the winter. No providence for me.

Just a thought. How you deal with things?



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Re: Are you serious?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 11:31:39 AM »
Good day to you P!

Right now I am *not* feeling very serious: although I am entirely responsible, for my....self.

That sounds serious huh? Well it *is*. Let's be serious about this :D

Dealing with your stuff....that's a serious business alright. But do you have to take it seriously, approach it as serious? In the long run (if we're 'lucky') we're all dead. Dead!  :D

How do I deal with stuff? Sometimes I deal with it, sometimes i don't. Sometimes i think about dealing with it...

If you're going to be serious , at least be sure you get serious about playing with life, I guess. Maybe?

Who knows. Not me. No help at all there!


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Re: Are you serious?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 11:53:45 AM »
Hey Portia,

the subject title was a joke...

What I mean is that I see people that are being serious about their jobs, their choices, their habits, taking care of their bodies, their relationships etc. I don't do that. I think I am highly histrionic and it only suits me to say that I live 'one day at a time', only it's a lame excuse for not having a plan and not honourig anything in my life.

Hope this makes better sense.



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Re: Are you serious?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 01:24:00 PM »
Right P! Okay. Seriously:

People being serious about their jobs, their choices, their habits, taking care of their bodies, their relationships - yeah I see a lot of that too. It's okay I guess if it works for them. I'm serious about things too: some of my habits are pretty sacrosanct to me, unless i change them. I'm serious about: cruelty, injustice, screwing the planet - I'm really intolerant of intelligent (average IQ, capable of logical thought, able to function well) people who allow themselves to behave like complete arseholes, who won't question themselves. I call them 'stupid'. But hey, I enjoy that particular intolerance. I do it for fun. I could give it up I guess. I'm so serious about a lot! But of course none of it is of any importance whatsoever.

Histrionic? That's a strong word. I don't think it means living one day at a time. But if you want a 'plan' and you want to do all that stuff that you see other people doing, then do it.
I wonder who you're makiing that 'lame excuse' to. I don't know what you mean by not honouring anything in your life. I mean, i don't get the word 'honouring'. You mean being grateful? You mean doing what you think might be 'expected' by some external source? This idea is somewhat outside of my experience I think. I've gone from survival to hmmm not caring very much. Edit: having, in my terms, already made myself quite 'safe'.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 01:33:05 PM by Portia »


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Re: Are you serious?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 02:59:40 PM »
My English is getting worst since I left London!
Histrionic and one day at at a time were two different thoughts
I believe for a while now that I am histrionic as in addicted to romantic fantasies and love stories that will never be.
As for the 'one day at a time', I use it as an excuse for not having a plan, as in 'I have it tough, so I can only go that far with making plans'.
Honouring, yes, myself mostly, showing some responsibility for opportunities that show up and I don't treat them as 'seriously' as I would have liked, because I don't know how to set prioritires right. It's not a need for external approval but rather a gentle nudge from myself to myself to treat my life a little better.

Anyway, thanks Portia, and I am really glad I amused you, even if this wasn't my intent when I originally posted this thread.


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Re: Are you serious?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 05:39:53 PM »
Hi P, you didn't amuse me as such, I was already amused, if you see what I mean, and wanted you to know that in case my remarks seemed flippant or 'rough' to you.

As for making plans, or having a plan, you've made me think. Did I ever have a plan? Yes and I achieved that quite a while ago. I guess I didn't think beyond that. Since then I've gone down a route which has me to where i am now. and I just deleted a line or two about that.  Anyway thanks for the conversation P.


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Re: Are you serious?
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 05:04:23 AM »
That's ok. I find lately that I have these thoughts and feelings and maybe I cannot fully express them in writing.
Don't worry - I didn't think you were flippant, I have a friend who answers (no offense) in the same manner you do, and he actually helps me to snap out of my self-pity.

Have a nice day Portia,