Author Topic: Very Upset - the sequel  (Read 2354 times)


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Re: Very Upset - the sequel
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2010, 02:20:30 AM »
Oh Swimmer, you can't imagine the things she tells people about me and the comments she posted on my myspace a year ago. I shared before that I used a passage from an article on NMs to show their lack of boundaries and mentioned that she liked to go around naked and forced me to be around her. So she posted that when I left in 95 she found in my room a black pair of panties with a whole at the 'back' with a dildo that proves that I like to do dirty and dark things, that it was her who insisted on taking me to the dermatologist and that I didn't go and now I have acne scars in my face just like my father who has evil dna and I am ugly as f**k, that if it wasn't for her to take me to the optician's and buy me glasses I would be cross-eyed like my aunt (my father's sister) etc. What can you counter-comment on that, and what would have happened if I didn't see this comment promptly and left it there, on the page that I used to have samples of my writing as reference, havng had the myspace link on my CV? What if a potential employer read it? She releases so much poison and I don't know how much and where it's spilled all these years I am NC. Yes, your NM says NC is not healthy, mine writes in emails that she has repeatedly tried to wise me up and understand that the only thing there is for me to do is to go crawling back at her and ask for her forgiveness for being such a rotten child.
I think her biggest problem is, the one that makes her really angry, is that she thought that with whatever she did, all this abuse, I would never find the gut to leave and go NC. She just can't handle it.


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Re: Very Upset - the sequel
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2010, 10:08:09 AM »

Lord save us all from "social" media.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Very Upset - the sequel
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2010, 06:13:43 PM »
Hi P, I really can see what you are saying!!!  And I hope I don't sound "flippant" in offering suggestions.  I know how similar our stories are, but there are some real doozy stories we all have that are just "out there". 

I have difficulty writing/articulating about N's most of the time, so I hope I can get this out....  What I mean about silencing with the truth is actually writing on your blog or website, quoting your mother's comments written on your blog & what nussance she is & no matter where she goes she turns life into dust.  I could very well not understand enough what is really happening to appropriately and fairly give advice though.  I often misunderstand things, so take what I say with a grain of salt of it doesn't apply to you.

In any event, it's hard to not have complete solutions to deal with NM's.  You are very brave P for speaking out, and the truth prevails somehow in the end.  Whatever you do, keep talking.... Because everything you've said here IS believable, contrary to the mainstream belief system about mothers ..... Some are actually worse than we remember, yes someone Can be this cruel..... Especially a mother.



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Re: Very Upset - the sequel
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2010, 06:26:18 PM »
Oh yeah, that thing about the black panties dildo post, an example of what I mean is posting something after saying....." See what I mean, this is my mother posting, a great example of overstepping boundaries.  Now I need to post an article about  delusions and compulsive lying."

I might be way off base though....  I know how it feels to be misunderstood.  I realize you might have just wanted to vent

best wishes P, hope you are well:))


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Re: Very Upset - the sequel
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2010, 03:40:25 AM »
Thanks Swimmer.
I guess I will have to wait till the memoir is out sometime in the winter.
You know what bothers me? And I think this is what bothered me all my life.
With an NM you cannot have a 'normal' life. People don't want to have to deal with people who have lives like ours. They are way too complicated, full of intrigues etc.
I remember the first time I left home at 19 (and returned after a year, then left at 25) my friend's husband who said 'P you better go back because you will soon be in the newspapers'. So messy.
I have had friends offering me shelter in their houses, one in particular that was really nice to me at 19, then NM started going to the bar she was waiting tables and making big scenes. Eventually the girl told that she couldn't handle her anymore.
She told another friend that if she wouldn't tell her where I was, she was going to make a scene at her husband's workplace and say that my friend was cheating on him. I have so many of these examples. Get a life, you know?
Today I am freaking out because I am thinking she may be hacking my email (she has money, she can pay people to do that for her) and I am terrified - I cannot think any other way that she finds out what I am doing after 15 years of NC, especially since she made sure that I talk to practically none of my old friends - she has managed to poison many relationships. It's a 'mother's' word against mine. Oh well...