So I've got this crazy professor, right. (See for further details) And I'm beginning to thing she is a crazy Nprofessor. She's been acting up again and I think she might be feeling disrespected. I think her 'bubble' has been pricked and it gets real ugly when it does.
Friday in class she had another rage session. I walk into class 10 mins early, say hi to my classmates and read the school newspaper through. Prof comes in, I get my stuff out and she starts talking to a student about something besides class.
It was actually incredible what the student was talking about. The lady had written a congressperson and gotten him to look at a piece of legislation about female military vets with ptsd. This class is about policy so this was right on the money. And what the lady had done was totally awesome. But not one word of recognition from the prof. Her words were 'I'm going to use this too...' I couldn't believe it. She then went on to grill the woman about the entire situation and point out any downfalls to what the woman had done or to show her areas where the prof has more info. Well, duh! That's why we're taking the class. This was not done in an instructive way. She was not being a teacher. She was belittling the woman.
I'm just totally frustrated with this woman. She is a strutting little peacock that loves to hear herself speak and lauds the students who kiss her butt and demonizes the ones who don't.
So Friday...most of the class I'm looking out the window. Bad habit. I sit in the very back and right by the windows. I'm listening to the class though. It's just gorgeous outside and I'd rather watch that than the professor. I'm guessing the prof thinks I'm paying no attention. It looks that way. But I'm in no way disrupting her class. I haven't spoken a word since she started. And I'm just staring out the window. No notes to take because she's busy belittling the lady for doing such an awesome job. So my classmate in front of me turns back to me and says something. Mouths it mostly. I don't read lips, never have been able to. So I mouth back, 'What?' Immediately the prof gets this evil look on her face and runs to the back of the classroom and starts shouting at me to pick up my things and move to another seat. I'm just staring at her. Probably with a little hatred in my own eyes. Before she can finish so I can tell her no I'm not moving, my classmate says no, it's not her fault, I asked her a question. The prof then goes back to the front of the classroom and acts like nothing happened.
And no, I haven't been reprimanded for talking in class before. I try not too. I find it disruptive as much as anyone else does. I've sat by talkers and they drive me crazy. I do participate in class though. I don't in this one though.
She looked so much like nm when she was flying towards the back of the room to make me move. I've learned that when I get afraid, as an adult, I become angry. Especially if someone is trying to scare me. This lady was trying to scare me. She succeeded. I got a great big shot of adrenaline seeing that little troll peacock rushing at me. And that made me angry. I have the right to be angry about that. The behavior was out of control. But apparently she wasn't. Both times she's blown up she's gone immediately back to what seemed like complete calm.
I'm counting the days to when this semester's over and I'm just hoping I get a C to pass for my major. She's the only one that teaches the class and it's required. And thursday I have to go for advisement with her. I'm just hoping all she does is clear me for registration. That's all I want. Oh god, just a little longer! Worn