Author Topic: NNutbags  (Read 2964 times)


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« on: April 11, 2010, 06:16:47 AM »
So I've got this crazy professor, right.  (See for further details)  And I'm beginning to thing she is a crazy Nprofessor.  She's been acting up again and I think she might be feeling disrespected.  I think her 'bubble' has been pricked and it gets real ugly when it does. 

Friday in class she had another rage session.  I walk into class 10 mins early, say hi to my classmates and read the school newspaper through.  Prof comes in, I get my stuff out and she starts talking to a student about something besides class. 

It was actually incredible what the student was talking about.  The lady had written a congressperson and gotten him to look at a piece of legislation about female military vets with ptsd.  This class is about policy so this was right on the money.  And what the lady had done was totally awesome.  But not one word of recognition from the prof.  Her words were 'I'm going to use this too...'   I couldn't believe it.  She then went on to grill the woman about the entire situation and point out any downfalls to what the woman had done or to show her areas where the prof has more info.  Well, duh!  That's why we're taking the class.  This was not done in an instructive way.  She was not being a teacher.  She was belittling the woman.

I'm just totally frustrated with this woman.  She is a strutting little peacock that loves to hear herself speak and lauds the students who kiss her butt and demonizes the ones who don't. 

So Friday...most of the class I'm looking out the window.  Bad habit.  I sit in the very back and right by the windows.  I'm listening to the class though.  It's just gorgeous outside and I'd rather watch that than the professor.  I'm guessing the prof thinks I'm paying no attention.  It looks that way.  But I'm in no way disrupting her class.  I haven't spoken a word since she started.  And I'm just staring out the window.  No notes to take because she's busy belittling the lady for doing such an awesome job.  So my classmate in front of me turns back to me and says something.  Mouths it mostly.  I don't read lips, never have been able to.  So I mouth back, 'What?'  Immediately the prof gets this evil look on her face and runs to the back of the classroom and starts shouting at me to pick up my things and move to another seat.  I'm just staring at her.  Probably with a little hatred in my own eyes.  Before she can finish so I can tell her no I'm not moving, my classmate says no, it's not her fault, I asked her a question.  The prof then goes back to the front of the classroom and acts like nothing happened. 

And no, I haven't been reprimanded for talking in class before.  I try not too.  I find it disruptive as much as anyone else does.  I've sat by talkers and they drive me crazy.  I do participate in class though.  I don't in this one though.

She looked so much like nm when she was flying towards the back of the room to make me move.  I've learned that when I get afraid, as an adult, I become angry.  Especially if someone is trying to scare me.  This lady was trying to scare me.  She succeeded.  I got a great big shot of adrenaline seeing that little troll peacock rushing at me.  And that made me angry.  I have the right to be angry about that.  The behavior was out of control.  But apparently she wasn't.  Both times she's blown up she's gone immediately back to what seemed like complete calm. 

I'm counting the days to when this semester's over and I'm just hoping I get a C to pass for my major.  She's the only one that teaches the class and it's required.  And thursday I have to go for advisement with her.  I'm just hoping all she does is clear me for registration.  That's all I want.  Oh god, just a little longer!  Worn
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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 06:27:24 AM »
((((Worn)))))           Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2010, 07:07:36 AM »

I just wanted to tell you that, from my vantage point, you seem to be handling this so well.  You are in a hard situation, but you are looking at the prize at the end. 

I'm amazed at the parental attitude of the professor.  University isnt kindergarten.  Probably she wasnt reacting to you "disrupting the class" by your behavior, but more that she could feel that you could see through her behavior with the other student.

Hang in there, and let us know how your meeting with her goes.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2010, 09:19:16 AM »
Hi Worn - your ability to notice that you were triggered by the prof = A+. Your compassion for your classmate = A+. Your sense of injustice about the prof stealing the classmates idea - also A+.

You're going above/beyond the call of duty in this situation to understand the dynamics and doing an excellent job! Only other "research" topic I could suggest begins with trying to see the prof as another imperfect human being with her own FOO baggage (or could be more than that) and stresses. The way you describe her, she sounds afraid, too. Perhaps for her job; the class' evaluations, whatever. Maybe it's something completely unrelated to school - and it's only in her own classroom that she feels "safe" enough to act out... who knows?

You seem open to the idea of learning through experience - and this prof sounds like a perfect opportunity for you to refine your skills of dealing with "difficult" people. For you, probably the best choice is to get through the class with as little one one one interaction as possible. Riskier - would be to approach her with some sympathy about her seeming stressed and giving her an opening to confide in you. It's risky, because sometimes once given an opening, a person like this will come to expect you to always listen (no matter what boundaries you've set) and will take advantage of what they feel is a sympathetic ear. The need is that great.

There is a LOT of stress among professors these days. Adjuncts are flat-out being taken advantage of by the system - they receive little/no benefits and often teach overloads. (The administration thinks this saves them money!) Full-time faculty, in some institutions, don't have an option for tenure and have to "prove" themselves each year to keep their contracts. And then there's the behind the scenes politics that exist on every campus; in every administration. Students don't see this much; everyone takes pains to hide this reality. And truly - there are punishments for speaking this reality in some schools.

Resulting in a de facto voicelessness among staff, faculty and some administrators who disagree but don't want to stick their neck out.
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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2010, 12:44:04 PM »
So I've got this crazy professor, right.  (See for further details)  And I'm beginning to thing she is a crazy Nprofessor.  She's been acting up again and I think she might be feeling disrespected.  I think her 'bubble' has been pricked and it gets real ugly when it does. 

Friday in class she had another rage session.  I walk into class 10 mins early, say hi to my classmates and read the school newspaper through.  Prof comes in, I get my stuff out and she starts talking to a student about something besides class. 

It was actually incredible what the student was talking about.  The lady had written a congressperson and gotten him to look at a piece of legislation about female military vets with ptsd.  This class is about policy so this was right on the money.  And what the lady had done was totally awesome.  But not one word of recognition from the prof.  Her words were 'I'm going to use this too...'   I couldn't believe it.  She then went on to grill the woman about the entire situation and point out any downfalls to what the woman had done or to show her areas where the prof has more info.  Well, duh!  That's why we're taking the class.  This was not done in an instructive way.  She was not being a teacher.  She was belittling the woman.

I'm just totally frustrated with this woman.  She is a strutting little peacock that loves to hear herself speak and lauds the students who kiss her butt and demonizes the ones who don't. 

So Friday...most of the class I'm looking out the window.  Bad habit.  I sit in the very back and right by the windows.  I'm listening to the class though.  It's just gorgeous outside and I'd rather watch that than the professor.  I'm guessing the prof thinks I'm paying no attention.  It looks that way.  But I'm in no way disrupting her class.  I haven't spoken a word since she started.  And I'm just staring out the window.  No notes to take because she's busy belittling the lady for doing such an awesome job.  So my classmate in front of me turns back to me and says something.  Mouths it mostly.  I don't read lips, never have been able to.  So I mouth back, 'What?'  Immediately the prof gets this evil look on her face and runs to the back of the classroom and starts shouting at me to pick up my things and move to another seat.  I'm just staring at her.  Probably with a little hatred in my own eyes.  Before she can finish so I can tell her no I'm not moving, my classmate says no, it's not her fault, I asked her a question.  The prof then goes back to the front of the classroom and acts like nothing happened. 

And no, I haven't been reprimanded for talking in class before.  I try not too.  I find it disruptive as much as anyone else does.  I've sat by talkers and they drive me crazy.  I do participate in class though.  I don't in this one though.

She looked so much like nm when she was flying towards the back of the room to make me move.  I've learned that when I get afraid, as an adult, I become angry.  Especially if someone is trying to scare me.  This lady was trying to scare me.  She succeeded.  I got a great big shot of adrenaline seeing that little troll peacock rushing at me.  And that made me angry.  I have the right to be angry about that.  The behavior was out of control.  But apparently she wasn't.  Both times she's blown up she's gone immediately back to what seemed like complete calm. 

I'm counting the days to when this semester's over and I'm just hoping I get a C to pass for my major.  She's the only one that teaches the class and it's required.  And thursday I have to go for advisement with her.  I'm just hoping all she does is clear me for registration.  That's all I want.  Oh god, just a little longer!  Worn

Hi, Worn.

Is this a college professor that is acting so unprofessional?  If so, I would have gone to the Dean about her behaviors in class!  I had to do that when I was taking university classes and had to deal with a professor who had NO business being inside a classroom!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2010, 01:07:19 PM »
If you are not comfortable with your final grade, save all your papers and file a grade appeal after letting your professor know you do not agree. Even if she refuses you can still have your appeal heard by a committee of her peers.

This person sounds like a very immature young teacher who confuses teaching with preaching her opinion and micro managing adults. Not all of these people are total N's, some just feel they deserve way too much praise for earning a PHD. In other words they felt their degree would make them "somebody" important. It doesn't.

There are ways to enlighten a student who seems to have an opinion that is groundless. That is done by asking probing questions, not by hammering the student with a list of "right ideas". As a teacher, you also have to take responsibility if you go off on a tangent and cause many of your students to drift into la la land. When you completely lose your audience you need to stop what you are doing and ask some questions. A good teacher is in tune with the energy of her class. Believe it or not, a class can drain your energy just by being quietly indifferent. Good luck


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2010, 01:09:40 PM »
She is certainly not treating you like an adult, which is reprehensible. I agree that you need to talk to a counselor or dean and let him/her know how you are feeling in the class. She is definitely someone who is using her position for "power" rather than to share her knowledge and experience with her students.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2010, 05:44:38 PM »
  I've learned that when I get afraid, as an adult, I become angry.  Especially if someone is trying to scare me.  This lady was trying to scare me.   

Worn, I'd say this is a key focus.  I think those of us who've been affected by Ns. are susceptible to thier underlying intent, and you spotted it, 'trying to scare you'.   ~Wouldnt this be a useful focus as in its a wizard of oz act, so to disentangle from the forcefield hidden intent that can connect straight from the dark place in them to the vulnerable place in us? 

This advice I need to learn to practice myself, cant say I've ever done this successfully, but thanks for the idea lol. 

As phoenix said, it sounds like an opportunity to practice handling difficult situations,  an 'AFGO', (=another f----ing  growth opportunity).



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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2010, 06:04:22 PM »
Almost hate to suggest it, Worn, but I am...

Can you work on blanding yourself, not showing any emotion, just acting neutral and cooperative, and witholding your need to process until you're out of her presence?

I just want you to get what you need (by letting her think she "wins") and get on out of there...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2010, 09:40:25 PM »
Ha ha River! I love your acronym - AFGO :):):):)
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2010, 10:52:00 AM »
Quick reply before I head to the dystopian class.  First, thank you for the suggestions and support.  Good stuff.  

Just wanted to mention that this is a 63 yr old woman who should know better.  She doesn't have her doctorate, has a masters.  And yes, this is a university class.  There are about 25% nontraditional students in this class.  Nontraditional meaning not fresh from high school.  So she's treating a group of adults like we were in kindergarten.  

Anyway, I'm thinking cocktails in the morning would help this class go better.  Maybe I'll bring some for everybody.  J/K, that would be hilarious though.  

Alright, off I go.  Send me good vibes, Amazons!  Love, Worn

P.S.  I have two awesome professors after the rotten one.  So I end the school day on a good note.  It is like night and day.  If I had to finish my day with this prof I might become homicidal lol.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 10:54:43 AM by Worn »
You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2010, 06:44:36 AM »
Your awesome attitude will help you get through! You are a positive and smart woman!!!!!!
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2010, 12:15:30 AM »
Worn-  I followed your other thread, sounds like you are handling things very well:). Keep the low profile, get your "C" and get outta there:)))


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2010, 09:02:35 PM »
I go in the morning for advisement.  I'm REALLY nervous. 

We had class in the computer lab today.  She was walking around the room helping different students.  She walked by my seat 3 or 4 times.  Every time I felt a shot of adrenaline and an almost irresistable urge to duck!  This woman really unsettles me.  I don't think I've shown it, I hope I haven't.  And Hops, I am trying to do the blanding thing.  I hate doing it too, but I think it's about the only way I can handle this situation.  I know there are other ways but for ME, this is about it. 

So, I'm gonna plan out my strategy.  I only need to be cleared for registration and that's all I'm asking for.  If she brings up anything I will bland, bland, bland.  Even if I have to blandly say sorry for disturbing her classroom.  Arrggh!!  I didn't, she did.  Oh well, I'm getting out of there.  I don't want to have to wait for her to retire to retake the class lol.

I am really hating this woman right now.  Like if she was choking I wouldn't offer her the heimlich hating.  That's probably not a healthy attitude.  Definitely not healthy for her if she chokes.  Oh, I kid...I'd have somebody call 911...eventually. 

Hmm, not being very positive lol.
AFGO!  Ha! Love it!  Worn
You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams


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Re: NNutbags
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2010, 09:57:25 PM »
So is it not bland enough if I ask to keep the door open if she wants to close it?  I do not want to be in a closed office with her!  I don't feel safe with her and I want witnesses if anything goes on.  And hopefully an open door will keep her under control.  She's in a building with her peers and bosses now, not in a classroom of people dependent on her whims for a grade.  I figure I'll just casually say I'd prefer the door open, maybe say I'm clausterphobic.  Whatever works. 
Dreading it, Worn
You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams