Author Topic: Free to be Me  (Read 1581 times)


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Free to be Me
« on: April 12, 2010, 10:18:33 PM »
Found this on a facebook site and liked it.  Thought I'd share.  Worn

Free To Be Me

by Marie T. Russell

What a liberating thought — I am free to be me!

Think about it... for years you have been molded

and pushed to behave in certain 'acceptable' ways.

You have been asked to adhere to tradition, to behave

according to certain accepted rules of behavior,

and to dress according to the norm. To act like the Jones.

To make sure you didn't "paint outside the lines".

You have done as you were told, fearing punishment

or worse, afraid of not being loved. You have accepted

beliefs that others held without question. You agreed

with what others said about you -- you were smart,

stupid, pretty, ugly, etc. You have believed that what

others thought was true of you had to be so —

that others knew best -- that they were smarter or

wiser and somehow knew what was good for you.

Yet, if you look within, you know that some of those

accepted beliefs are not necessarily your truths.

They are the truths of those around you.

For example as a child, you may have been told that

you were too noisy, or too playful. Now obviously,

if you were behaving in that fashion this was how

you wanted to be -- that was the real you wanting to

express itself. When we were told that we were 'too' this

or 'too' that, we felt that our behavior must be incorrect

and adapted ourselves to what was expected of us...

and thus lost our spontaneity and joy in the process.

Whose rules are we following now? The ones imposed

by our parents? And whose rules were they following?

Their parents? It goes back for many millennium and

has nothing to do with us. Need there be rules at all?

If we all were true to our "inner self" or our "higher self",

rules would be unnecessary.

We all have an ingrained sense of right and wrong,

of what is loving and what is not, of what is "right"

and what is not. It is time to return to trusting ourselves --

to trusting that small inner voice, that sense of true joy

and spontaneity. We need to free up our true selves

by releasing them from the chains and rules of conduct

that were imposed on us. We are trustworthy!

We can follow our inner wisdom and it will always

support us and guide us.

I am free to be me! This thought, when affirmed regularly,

brings freedom. Now the first thing you may notice,

as you tell yourself that you are free to be you,

are certain fears, doubts, and guilt coming up.

I remember thinking that the 'me' that was inside

was not a 'good' one — that I was selfish, unworthy,

unlovable, etc. etc. When you look inside yourself,

you may discover some similar beliefs — that if you

are truly 'yourself' you will be unacceptable to your boss,

friends, mate, co-workers, etc. Yet that is simply a

figment of your imagination, of your fears,

or of someone else's fears.

The 'you' inside is that same innocent, spontaneous

child that you were — the one who was amazed at

the beauty of a dandelion flower, or that could find

immense joy in splashing around in a mud puddle —

that playful being who enjoyed the present and did not

concern itself about "proper" and acceptable societal

norms (i.e. dirty clothes, weeds on the lawn, 'proper'

attire and behavior, etc.). That spontaneous, natural,

and joyful person still resides inside of you. All you need

to do is give it permission to 'come out and play'.

We can now step forth from behind our masks and take

the risk to be real... to express our joys, our fears, our

insecurities, our love, our hopes, and our dreams.

I am free to be me! I can allow myself to be spontaneous.

I can let myself be real and feel my feelings, express the

truth as I see it in the present moment, and let my love

for life radiate from my being, expressed in my thoughts,

words, and actions.

Trust yourself. You are an innocent, joyful being.

Within you are the seeds of joy, happiness, and

success. Affirm: "I am free to be me! I am free to

express myself in whatever ways seem loving

and true to my inner being. I am free to be me

and to create the world I want around me.

I have the right to express my inner divinity

and to live a life of love, joy, and creativity."

Trust your instincts. Trust that small inner voice

that guides you to the right, loving action.

That small inner voice is who you really are.

That terrible person you have imagined yourself

to be is a machination of your imagination, fears,

and self-doubts. Yes, you have made mistakes...

haven't we all? Yes, you had instances where you

were unjust, petty, and did not express loving or

peaceful thoughts. Those are nothing more than

experiences that you went through -- errors in judgment.

Your true inner self is still an innocent, loving being --

an angel in physical form. That is who you are.

You can reclaim it now!

You are free to be who you really are!

A divine child of the Universe...
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 10:28:23 PM by Worn »
You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams


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Re: Free to be Me
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 05:59:07 AM »
Thanks worn.  I'm going to keep that.  It made me tear up.  I really need to take this to heart.  My FOO has really buried the real me. I am in chains to FOO; to the whole world.  I am frozen and have trouble being creative because I might not do it 'right.'  The thought-"I am free to be me."  Thanks again :)


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Re: Free to be Me
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2010, 08:49:40 PM »
Beautiful!  Thanks.  I needed that today.
