is old so it was suggested a new thread be started.
Youtube demonstration of what my sister did about my feeling of 'betrayal'.....'i.e. substituted for his word 'feeling'. This has worked for her with people on whom she has done this.
It didn't work on me.
One of her client's was
'My father kicked the sh** out of me when I was 15'. My sister tapped her out of this and from it being a strong feeling of negative importance to her, after one tapping session, the client wondered why it even bothered her.
Another client was continuously
'bothered by the mess that her daughter's home was in'..(said client has cleaned my sister's home for 16 years.) My sister tapped her out of this in one session, and the client was no longer bothered with this.
I had no change in my 'feeling of betrayal'. As I have said, my feelings are tucked away and I know of them but don't feel them.... I think she finally understood how deeply I have (unconsciously) forced them out of
true feeling, as opposed to
I know I felt/feel.
When she left this morning to fly home she was crying, and the airport shuttle guy hugged her out at the curb, as I sat inside (and stayed until they pulled away) with a few waves and smiles and pleased with our visit, but everyone has a life, knowing she has other things to do, but we had a great time, never fought, had good discussions.
She was successful (or was I successful?) in having Reiki and Reflexology work with me. I was relaxed enough to fall asleep after/during each session....although I know I didn't fall asleep when she thought I did, as I was aware, but too relaxed to speak.
I guess I will consider this the emotional for EFT (no results) and the physical for R & R (results).
I would love to read any comments.
--as a fun note, I set the alarm for us to awaken at 4:30 am so she could ready for the Shuttle for 5:25 (arrived at 5:15 am). As she had just finshed an email back home and wanted me to read/check it, she said, "I must hurry." I looked at the computer time and it was 3:13 am. WHAT???
I then remembered that in setting my clock radio, the push on the button is
change clock, (hesitates ... do so).. the second is
set alarm one (hesitates... do so) and the third is
set alarm two (hesitates ... do so). I accidentally set 4:30 am, as the change clock time, then went on to set alarm one at 4:30, left alarm two alone and went back to rectify the clock time. I thought it was 12:08 pm, guessed? but it was only 10:08 am, so I was 2 hours fast. Boy! Did we laugh! and had only 3 hour's sleep but 2 hours in the middle of the night for her to write an email, and for us to finalize out visit at a leisurely pace!
So she had time to write another email about the early time of her first one and why!!!!!