Author Topic: NM & NGM  (Read 1349 times)


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« on: May 12, 2010, 10:00:03 AM »
I got to thinking about this this morning.  Just wanted to share.

NM is very self righteous and never watches anything on tv that is the LEAST bit 'off color'. Her standards for tv are set very high and she gets very huffy if anything is on that she doesn't approve of.

My NGM came to live with us after my DGF died. NM loved to play the martyr over this. That she had to take (minimal at first) care of my NGM. NGM is my EF's mom.

But about the tv...NGM figured out how much my mom hated certain tv shows. NM wouldn't watch soaps and NGM loved them etc. NGM had a sitting room set up in the back of the house and she sat back there almost exclusively, watching tv or reading. NGM started watching Jerry Springer while living with us. NM had a cow over this. I believe at one point she told NGM that she did not want that type of thing in her house. So NGM started watching it with the volume turned all the way up. Omg, I'm laughing right now just thinking about it. Every morning at 9 you'd hear her turn it to Springer and then the volume would go up, up, up. :lol:

NM & NGM in the same house were an interesting mix. They were verbally sparring constantly. There was one instance where NM stuck her tongue out at NGM and NGM returned the favor. They both like to have a public image of being upright, put together, pillars of society. Ha! They were two big six year olds.

NGM was interesting. I think I could see her games more clearly since I wasn't as emotionally involved with her. Her bedroom was next to mine and she would beat on the wall with her cane if I wasn't up by nine. Even though I worked second shift. My parents went on vacation for a week after I moved out and I agreed to help my NGM out while they were gone. I drove 30 minutes twice a day to fix her meals and sit and talk with her for at least an hour each time. When my parents got back they asked if I had been by and NGM said, 'No, I never saw her.' I refused to help with her again after that.

Every time NGM saw me she would say, 'Pull your shirt down, your butt looks fat.' She was such a classic N. From her early thirties she was 'too sick' to do much of anything. I don't know how old she was when she took to her recliner and never really did anything after that. I would say it was in her fifties. Surprise, she lived into her mid-nineties. Didn't have any real health issues until she was in her 80's.

When my DGF was alive, NGM decided he was having an affair. I believe this was just a series of attention getting stunts she pulled over the years. Well she decided she was going to call everybody and tell them about how DGF was doing this. Her pastor actually ended up calling my parents to ask them to tell her to stop calling. Her pastor! I don't think NGM actually had any proof of this. It was just another attention getting ploy.

Oh FOO, what do I do with you? :roll: Worn
You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams


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Re: NM & NGM
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 07:31:18 PM »

I got a laugh about all that.  Sorry, it's your pain but it's just so familiar.  I'm getting much better about laughing about the craziness. 

Life with an N is better than anything Hollywood can dream up.  Sometimes it's a tragedy and sometimes it's a comedy.



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Re: NM & NGM
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 07:53:27 PM »
Hey Worn,

My mother used to work herself into such hissyfits over my resistance (mostly verbal) that she would go across the street and talk to her pastor, who happened to be our neighbor. I was no wild child, but I was a hippie poet in training...  Once, she asked me to go talk to him. Hoping, I think, that he'd "set me straight".

He sat me down, lit his pipe, and said, "Well, the neighborhood all knows that your mother is an hysteric. So, tell me about yourself..."

He was great. I remember it as a really surprising sensation, to receive respect rather than judgment.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: NM & NGM
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2010, 05:48:19 AM »
Yeah, this is pretty funny to me.  I get that burst out of your nose type of laughter when I think about my 80 year old Ngm and 60 year old Nm acting so ridiculously. 
It's good to be able to laugh at it.  I'm not sure I could have a few years ago. 

And Hops, if my nm's pastor lived next door to her or ngm, he woulda moved by now!  My nm evidently got 100$+ gift for her pastor on their latest vacation.  I'm not even sure that's appropriate, but what do I know.  Then again, maybe he wouldn't have moved.  She does like to kiss butt when it comes to the clergy.

How awesome to be respected like that too, Hops. 

Cheers!  Worn
You live and learn. At any rate you live.  Douglas Adams