OK, I know you all have so much insight into situations. My sister and I are trying to understand NM's latest... can you help?
My daughter just had a birthday. NM asked what she wanted (she always does, but usually just ignores it and sends her some money, usually late, and calls some day near her birthday, but never on her bday). So lately, NM is pretending to be the sweet grandma. This means talking ABOUT the kids, but not to them, of course. So she was going on and on about wanting to get my D something she would like (she loves soccer, so we suggested soemthing w/Mia Hamm on it). She said she looked and looked (she did, b/c we had found the same stuff). So my sister came to visit and found something PERFECT. She called NM and told her (the item, BTW, was inexpensive - 40 dollars total, and NM spends about $1000 on herself every week or two). NM stalled and said she didn't know if the site was safe (she orders from there for herself all the time,) added more reasons, and, finally and reluctantly ordered it.
So she sends and email w/ the receipt and says, "here's her gift. Hope she likes it." Then when D received it, she called to say thank you and NM was pretty much like, "Whatever."
NM thinks girls who do sports are weird and that women should be thin and dressy and attractive in a Miss America way....