Author Topic: Chop wood, carry water  (Read 2543 times)

Gaining Strength

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Chop wood, carry water
« on: May 17, 2010, 05:14:23 PM »
I still have a way to go in overcoming the mess I have lived in.
I have dug deep and hit close to the core.
Some things are still left unearthed but I have the shadowy figure of what all of that must be.

Now comes the next stage, one I had not forseen.
This is a transition stage.  I suspect it will be like a yoyo bouncing between two drumskins back and forth until ultimately I move into an orbit in the place I want to be.

I want to use this space to help me navigate this next phase.

Part of that is dealing with chopping wood and carrying water - the every day stuff that I have been too ill to do or do well or do consistently.
That is the middle ground.
Other parts are still working that old stuff on layers of the onion.  Still facing the fear and moving through it.  That is still work that must be done.  I have actually just begun that.  I have actually just gotten to the place where I can face this fear and move through it.  That takes work.  It will get easier and easier the more I practice.

The other parts is identifying the place I want to go.  To see it, to write it down and to work towards it.

While I am working on the middle stuff I want to remember:
chopping wood and carrying water is paddling the river of hope and joy.
It may be hard to see where I am going but I must paddle in order to navigate.
If I siimply ride passively I will wound up wrecked in a pile of rapids.

What i hope to do here is to chronicle the times and the ways that I have chopped wood and carried water.
I want to note if it is easy or it is a struggle.
This record will help me see my progress.

No where else could I do this. 
The ultimate goal of this is to get that income coming in.  I must be able to chop wood and carry water to have an income.
The rest will follow more easily.


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2010, 11:18:17 PM »

Perspective is half the battle, IMO.

Going through the fire won't kill us, though it feels like it might, as we (general) go through life from one distraction to another, avoiding pain and discomfort.

You're braver than most...... rare and special.

Expecations of a high pay-off, for all the trouble, are important.

"To see it, to write it down and to work towards it."
Yes: )



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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2010, 08:44:12 AM »
Carry on!

I think you're right about the yoyo effect; working 2 paths or levels at once now. That in itself is huge progress, isn't it?
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Gaining Strength

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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2010, 03:52:09 PM »
I spent most of today driving to and from a funeral a couple hundred miles away.
It gave me lots of time for thinking and processing.

Here is what I learned.
I have gone into the depths and identified most, if not all, of what has had me trapped.
I am ready to move forward - the daily stuff and more - thus the name of this thread.
There is a step inbetween.

My anxiety and fear are on autopilot.  Unfortunately there is no switch to flip.
What there is is thought process by which I can turn down the volume and with concentration I can staunch the flow.
With time and work I will override that autopilot and form new brain patterns. 
This is where I am now.  I will be working on this while I learn to chop wood and carry water again.


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2010, 09:06:21 PM »
Hi Vidalia (sweet onion GS)...

I wonder if it'd help you (me) to sometimes be now and then granularly specific about the wood and water?
If it ever would be helpful, I will listen gladly.

For me, here's the wood and water in my immediate, next 12 hour face:

I need to:
--check bank balance and note what's left after automatic deductions
--open a huge stack of mail
--label and organize what needs to be paid and by when
--write some checks
--put on stamps
--mail it out

...and carry on daily sorting and dealing with the paper-pieces as they come in. Stress at work and now new deadlines.
(When I was going overdrive on the first freelance deadline, I let it all crash at my feet again. For two months+.)

I'm watching the Biggest Loser and making promises to myself to get up very early to do this,
as I just don't want to tonight. Work was stressful and with necessary errands I didn't get home until 8:30. I'll be up at 5:30.

And so it goes.

So, what's in a square foot you're staring at? (I should mention the black mold in the basement ongoing cleanup and the ants in the kitchen...piles of laundry to do, dirt dirt dirt...and my daughter's kind of crossed-arms, won't help unless begged routine.)

There is no shame here.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2010, 07:49:39 AM »
Yep, turning down the volume will help! And that action - repeated, as you know - will help you find the switch. However!!!  :D

In the meantime, chopping wood (carrying water - later) is still necessary. Like Hops' list - it helps if you pick just 3 things for today. If 3 is overwhelming, then cut it down to 2... then decide which one is the most important: do that first. IF - and only IF - there is time after you've taken a small celebratory break to reward yourself for crossing item 1 off the list... then go on to #2. It's OK if you don't get the 2nd item done today... in fact, you might even experiment with deliberately postponing it till tomorrow... and then it becomes the #1 item on tomorrow's list.

In a professional development session on handling stress, years ago... our campus nurse said that multitasking wasn't the great skill it was made out to be. She said it was NOT reasonable to attempt to accomplish more than 3-5 things each day. That humans just weren't built to do more than that - except on rare occasions - without an equal amount of rest & re-creation of ourselves and our physical energy - meeting the needs of good food, exercise, good folks and sleep. I was laughing so hard - so hysterically - at how low this bar was set I had to excuse myself from the session! Not only did I used to be a "professional multi-tasker"... I let people push me into taking on more & more & more... obviously, I've since learned that she was right and I was wrong. The old me, clung to her lists - and the joke is that I have lists to keep track of my lists! - because I was so afraid that I'd forget something that "had to get done". Loooooonnnnnnggggg lists.

When I shortened those lists to something more realistic - I found I could trust myself to not forget the items, without the damn list. One of the interwoven, almost invisible holdovers from my FOO dynamics, was that (despite being the capable, parentified one) I couldn't trust myself without having a written reminder. I slip into a right-brain space when I'm doing certain "mindless" tasks... and can completely lose track of time - or I'll move into what hubby calls "mission creep". I'll be vacumning; see a stack of papers or magazines and stop vacumning to sort them and add to the recycle; then I'll see the table is dusty - off to grab the swiffer - and oh, look at the dust on that lamp... and 10 minutes later "remember" that I was trying to get the vacumning done. It's even more pronounced when I'm outside weeding... sigh. For years, I thought this was a complete, total bad thing - that there was something wrong with my method - with me.

But it works for ME, and that's all that matters. Sounds like you've got an opportunity to create your own method; what works for YOU. There is something satisfying in having your own unique method and standards. (For instance, I can ignore dust on shelves, as long as the floor is clean.) I think that's one thing that you were prevented from developing for yourself by the expectation of a negative result, no matter what you did. And I wonder...

... were you ever given a "day off" from chores? and the cycle of negativity? It sounds counter-intuitive, but truly - it's worked for me - it can help if you simply allow yourself to walk away from the "have to" lists long enough to enjoy yourself, with the promise that you'll tackle the list later. Sometimes, this lets me re-evaluate how important that #1 item on the list was...

these are just ideas... trying to brainstorm with you... I know you'll pick out your own, too!!
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Gaining Strength

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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2010, 05:57:15 PM »

I hate my house - always have - my husband bought it before we wed.
Neither the heat nor the AC work. 
It is in the 90s where I live and my house is so unbearably hot.  The AC is running but not working.
I cannot bear this all summer.
I am so angry.


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2010, 09:34:17 PM »
The two questions I ask in any given stressful relationship situation:  How do I feel? and What do I need?  Then I ask for it.  It seems to help me if I break down my thought processes in this way before my emotions take over. 

So, you feel hot.  What do you need to not feel hot?  repair person?  new unit?  fan?  Ask. 

hope it helps


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2010, 07:40:36 AM »
Hi GS -

Butterfly said it all. Only thing I have to add, is that you don't have to "ask" anyone in particular... just ask! Identifying for yourself exactly what you want and what you need, is often the very first step in obtaining it. Just ask the universe, you know?

And so you're angry... why is that a "slip"? Anger isn't some taboo emotion, something to be avoided; it can be quite productive and positive - sometimes. But you shouldn't turn it back on yourself, and add that double-whammy by feeling like it's a mistake to be angry. That, in my experience, is never helpful or positive. And actually, it's given me an idea!

Perhaps you're nearing a time, when it would be helpful to you to MOVE. Completely change your surroundings. Choose a whole new environment... that's just right for you. And before you wind up the tape to explain why that's just not a possibility... take a breath or two... quiet the thoughts completely for a few seconds... and ask WHY NOT? Perhaps not tomorrow; there is after all a lot to do first... but even just comtemplating that idea might change your relationship to the house and put that anger at the obstacle the house has become to good use: i.e., developing a wish, a dream, a plan - something to work toward one little bit at a time. Anger is energy, and you can direct it into channels to help you work your way toward something, instead of away from something.
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Gaining Strength

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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2010, 09:41:35 AM »
Boy - that was helpful.  Thank you.
I'll write more later.
I am running late.

(I expected to erase my little burst and yet found such kind, helpful, encouraging posts.  Thank you both.)

Gaining Strength

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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2010, 09:53:38 AM »
Working my way through the mess.
GEt stuck at every turn.
Will keep record here - that will help.
Just washed the dishes and started dishwasher.
Now will do a load of laundry,
then vacuum upstairs
then sweep downstairs
then 1/2 bath - that's five and I can get that done.
Will report back.

Gaining Strength

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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2010, 12:45:51 PM »
I've accomplished 3 of 5 and a number of things not on the list.  And I have still had down time.  I can keep up this 5 things a day and see how it will bloom into much greater progress in a short time.  What an improvement.


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2010, 09:15:42 PM »

Just totally and personally and profoundly thrilled to read this.

HOORAY. I believe in your clean dishes and hopeful half-bath!
And I most especially know how NOT SMALL these actions are.

Maybe you were helping me!

Last night I did a lot of tidying in my room, changed my sheets, decluttered some (just in the bedrom square yards, my office is a separate story)...

and I have laundry running.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2010, 09:19:34 PM »
I'm celebrating with you Hops.
It feels great and I am so glad I am not alone.
We can do it. 
I am focusing on what gets done rather than what doesn't.
That will make a difference.
I am determined to work out of a place of accomplishment rather than motivation to avoid shame. 
That's a big difference too.

Glad for what you had already accomplished.  It matters.


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Re: Chop wood, carry water
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2010, 09:14:24 AM »

Confession time: you and Hops have been way more busy than me... except that I don't count (anymore) the dishes, cleaning the kitty box, taking out the trash, etc. Some days, that's all I "get accomplished". And even those days are OK... at least, I keep reminding myself that they are!  :D
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