Hmmmm....very interesting article, although I too, am not in agreement totally with the assessment. I've read Sam Vaknin's work extensively and while his theories are on the right track, one must be always cognizant of his own rather deep-seated narcissism and the supply which is constantly seeks.
However, there were a couple of other points that seemed not on target for me.
*I'd be concerned that the new version of the DSM would stipulate a diagnosis of NPD only in terms of being co-morbid with another disorder. Once again, I think that diminishes the role that NPD would play in the patient's life. For some reason, the mental health community seems to be fighting hard to not value NPD as a disorder in and of itself. The inference seems to be that NPD is only serious enough, only of value enough as a diagnosis if it accompanies another disorder. Perhaps this is because NPD is so difficuclt to treat and/or to diagnose properly. But I think the move would be a significant step backwards. What is needed is a better way to fully diagnose it and treat it, not to supplant it in preference to other disorders.
*Second, while there are no numbers to justify the theory either way, I believe it's not so much that there are more cases of NPD today because of changes in our society but because true NPD was incorrectly diagnosed or not diagnosed at all. Even today, so few mental health professionals seem to take it seriously as a diagnosis. I have seen a number of T-docs as a victim of NPD but not a one has taken NPD seriously.
*Third, I do think that in some cases there is a predisposiition to NPD which is genetic. I also believe it is likely someone becomes NPD due to a parent who may have been NPD. And, no, I don't think men are more likely to be NPD than women. I've experienced both.
I would hope that articles like this will serve, at least, to awaken the medical community as well as the genral public to the painful consequences of NPD, both to victims of those with it and those who are diangosed with the disorder. What is desperately needed are better diagnonstic mechanisms and ways to treat it.
Thanks for the link.