Hi Sealynx- Sending you my best wishes!!
One of the lessons I have been learning is that as DONMs, even though I think I respect myself a lot and thought I always have, I don't send that message when I end up respecting others more in the situations where I don't assert myself and set boundaries. I get fearful, because well, its a confrontational situation - the opposing party is putting me in the position to have to value myself and delineate with what I will and will not accept. I have a hard time with this because it feels confrontational, but its really just a "speak up and be assertive" situation. I've discovered that speaking my peace in professional, detached, and non-emotional manner works well with rational, professional people. I also know that if my reasonable boundaries are not respected or I am retaliated against its time to move on, knowing I did the right thing by being professional.
One more thing about performance. I recently learned this lesson - sometimes managers will berate you for not being perfect - no one is perfect and you are good enough and deserve to be treated with decency and respect even when you've made a mistake ( unless of course it was illegal, immoral or unethical, or was maliciously negligent). Be cautious here thought - if the boss is criticizing you and its about responsibility and accountability - and you have made a mistake or underperformed, admit it, but again, don't allow the disrespect. Bullies in the workplace try to uphold an unreasonable standard that will forever make you a target of belittling comments about your performance, this is unjustified and should be a red flag.
Having said that - I cant quite tell yet whether your situation is one that can be improved upon by reasonably asserting yourself or whether that might be harmful. Please feel free to elaborate more.
I wish you the best of luck in writing your letter - you deserve to be valued for your time, your contribution and your can-do attitude, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!! Best, Alesia