Author Topic: New Book of Interest...  (Read 1017 times)


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New Book of Interest...
« on: July 01, 2010, 10:30:36 AM »
I've read a lot of Karla McLaren's work and I'm currenting reading her newest book.  The Language of Emotions: What your feelings are trying to tell you.

Karla is an abuse survivor and she has some very interesting things to say about feelings, and being empathic of other's feelings. Use Doc's amazon link to go to the site and check it out. I haven't finished the book but so far she has made some very interesting associations, such as the relationship between dissociating, and spiritual movements. Ever think that you might like your yoga or meditation class becuase you've already mastered altered states of consciousness as a general response to life? If any of you want to read it maybe we can discuss it using this thread.