"For the two posters who addressed S: you know S is an N. I know S is an N. S doesn't know S is an N."
Thankyou doctor for your diagnosis.
" I do not respond or address her in any way."
But that's what you're doing, isn't it? Or are you trying to taunt a response?
" If S had empathy and good intent,"
There you go again with all these wonderful assumptions, insights, false deductions of yours. From your head.
.." she would know she causes pain and chaos here and be gone."
You seem to want to force others to believe this, it appears.
Control by blaming the pain and chaos on S.
S is the one who keeps this place chaotic.
Everything was just dandy before S got here.
There was no pain here either.
S is responsible for it all.
S is keeping this place chaotic.
S is to blame.
And.......Control...... by directing S to be gone.
A bit of a control issue, eh?
"Possibly many n's wouldn't even tolerate a child sex offender to remain in their home. My SIL wouldn't and I think she's an n."
Awww...I see. I give you information about my family situation and you use it against me. Is your behaviour n-ish or what? Never mind. I know the answer to that. So then you're not really sure about your diagnosis then? I might not be an n? Retracting your diagnosis or trying to look like you're being fair? I wonder which?
"Any offer or plot or scheme to kill harm rob or sexually offend anybody particularly a child is a jailable crime in my country and S's too. People are being jailed over this very thing happening on the internet. Any adult caught making any offer of sex to a child over the internet nowdays is liable to be caught by undercover net police and get a jail sentence. Why? Because an offer is an act, not a thought. "
Very good. You understand english. I gave you the information to begin with. I said my husband committed a crime. But it seems, you must reinforce this information on a daily basis. As if I hadn't told you about it to begin with. As if YOU are the great exposer of truth. And people might be buying that you have such gooooooood at heart. Or they may not?
"Also, an offer forms the essential basis of any contract under common law. You can have no acceptance without first having an offer on which to accept it.
Which is precisely why S's husbands offer was a serious jailable offence. If I offer to kill someone I will be arrested and tried. It need not even have been accepted by the other party I make the proposition too. I have presented and given my full consent of the contract to be accepted by the other party. That is all I need to have done to have committed a crime. "
Yes, all that blither blather, as some guest put it, to say the same thing I told you to begin with. Or was that you're term-blither blather? Who here uses that blither blather term, I wonder? My husband committed a crime, which I stated in my post to the board. Where's the news????
"Thankfully, S's child wisely declined the offer which never should have been made."
Yessirree! And thankfully, S taught her child to decline such offers, so there you go. But...who wants to consider that? Not you it seems. No way. This fact is being omitted. In order to create the picture you want to create, perhaps????
" The offer was a gravely serious illegal act."
Yes, yes, yes. I told you about it to begin with. But keep repeating it, over and over, if you must. As if you are speaking to the hard of hearing or less than intelligent people. Keep pretending to be bringing forth important facts. What a lovely job you're doing of repeating the information that I posted to this board to begin with. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou very much. Control.
"I am saddened for those members here who experienced sexual abuse as children."
If you were, you might stop bringing this subject up every day and posting this same message to this thread and keeping it at the top of the board at the top of so many people's day and trying to control...........control.....yes I said......control......what's on top!! Make sure YOUR message is seen!!! Bury all else, as quick as possible!!! Shovel any other ideas that ARE NOT IN SINK WITH YOURS deeper and deeper in this thread!! Control problem, maybe?
" I am saddened that you see S's presence still here on a daily basis as a reminder."
I don't think you're sad (my opinion, my deduction, my assumption). I think there is another, more serious, underlying feeling driving you to behave LIKE A PREDITOR.
"Please take heart in this statement."
Please don't be fooled by this person's continued attempts to control the board, cause chaos and influence you're thinking. I won't be posting to this thread again.
Let this control person, who's preying on my words, and your serenity play whatever games are necessary. But please, don't be fooled!
"S couldn't see well enough to do the right thing by her own children."
Where are you getting off saying this? What an outrageous, ridiculous, unfair, unkind, cruel, untrue, abusive thing to say. What rubbish!!
" How can we expect her to see what harm her selfishness in staying here.."
Now that's what I find halarious!! Who's bringing this to the top of the board and calling who what over and over for what purpose? Insanely halarious to say that ANYONE is selfish for wanting to come to a public board, to find information, to help themselves or get support. What ISSSSS this person trying to make you believe??
" in staying here causes?"
In staying where? Not in this thread, after this. That's a given. By saying this...you are behaving like bully, abusive and..... Controlling. A real lack of concern for anyone. I'd say. Trying to bully people away from a public board issss a control issue, no matter which way it is looked at. Doing so by your methods is cruel.
Has someone been really cruel to you? I really wonder. I wish for you to get the help you need in dealing with that in a more productive, positive manner, if that happened to you. I do feel sad to think that the circle of abuse continues through your behaviour.
" Also, how can we expect her to put others first here"
Yes, I see you doing soooo much of that yourself!! Come on. Get real.
This idea that my posting here is so terribly selfish suggests mixed up thinking.
If there is anyone here who falls for this, so be it.
".. when she couldn't do that for her own children?"
More assumptions. More lies. More bullying. More preying. Not true. Don't believe this person. They are truly trying to cause you to believe stuff that just is not fact.
"Also, I don't accept you have a right to a presence here S."
This idea may be what is causing you to behave the way you are--controlling.
You are preying on me. You are showing a great lack of respect.
" You could and should find a more appropriate forum for your real issues."
So could you but I am not directing you to do that. That's up to you. Your choice. I am however, pointing out your ridiculous behaviour for all to decide upon and that is all. After this...I'm not playing any more.
Go work on you.
" I don't believe your sister is your 'real' problem."
Don't believe it then. I'm not asking you to believe anything. I'm telling you what I think and I'm trying to work on me. Your behaviour indicates an entirely different objective. Control this thread. Control what people see. Control what's on top. Control who stays and who goes. Control by pretending to help. Control by blaming the chaos on me while continuing to chaotically repost your controlling messages over and over. Control by inserting your inaccurate beliefs about me and my situation and pretend to be doing so for someone else's benefit. Control by posing your mixed up ideas as fact. Yep, a control problem, I'd say. Just my opinion though.
" Also S, I doubt your intentions here."
Same response. Doubt what you want. I'm not interested in your beliefs. It's wrong to try to convince others that you know my intentions. You don't. Better to work on you and stop preying on me. Better to face the facts, that you may not be seen in the light you are trying to project. Especially if you continue behaving this way. You are not in charge and you do not speak for all people. You don't know the facts of my situation and the facts you do know, you are using AGAINST me. You are not trying to help anyone, even yourself. It looks like you are trying very hard to silence.
Go ahead, keep reposting and reposting and reposting your message. If you must.
But it is not healthy for you or anyone else.
Oh and other Guest: " this is not a reply to 's'. Rather, it is an attempt to ignore her, and encourage others to do likewise."
That's very kind of you. I'd like to be ignored by you, I think. That would be very good for me. Why NOT encourage others to behave-- nicely-- though, rather than with your type of kindness? Never mind. What a silly idea, eh?