Sealynx wrote:
It was one of the reasons that adolescence had not prepared me for adulthood. The main script was the mindless, "this is an emergency we must do it now." That is why I never thought to call friends and go out when I went home. I knew without giving it a name that my entire time would be scripted by them on an emergency basis.
"Mindless." Wow, that is a great word. Although I didn't have a "home" to return to for the holidays once I left the house, each time I visited my NM, she wrote the rules. And boy, you got me going on analyzing her last visit to my house- the one where I kicked her out. I believe what you described in your last post, is what happened between NM and me. She wanted me to be "mindless" on her visit! I planned a couple of dates with my husband because NM, a.k.a. Grandma, was a built-in babysitter for us and she said she was more than happy to do so, so then my husband and I took her up on her offer and went out a few times. We hadn't spend any time together and needed it. Well, she turned into a beast on our third "date night." She got snooty, picky and tempermental. She started acting childish and petty. The next day, I snapped.
"Mindless." I was "mindless" under her reign. Adolescence certainly did nothing for my ability to handle the real world as well, Sealynx. You have given me some wonderful feedback and it helps a great deal.
I can't help but think that those of you who have been NC for some time now, have really embarked on some sort of deep "soul searching' expedition. I know the soul searching gets heavy when you decide to go NC because you have to pull it from the bottom of the barrel, but to be NC for 3, 5, 8, 10 years and to "still feel" what you felt while moving forward, you must be closer to your "actual self." N's have given us low self-esteem so the act of NC is pure irony. We were trained not to "do" or "feel" so when we do "do" or "feel" it's gigantic and take us over. Going NC and staying NC, must be part of something else inside you.