Author Topic: "Body functions" AND other thoughts  (Read 3976 times)


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"Body functions" AND other thoughts
« on: July 06, 2010, 11:57:01 AM »
I've heard something about Nar-people's obsession with bodily functions. Anybody care to add their two cents about this?
I can't find much reference to this on the internet. Found something about Nar-people getting all their gratification from their bodily functions or something kind of weird like that. This kind of sounds like psychobabble to me, or is there something that I'm not understanding??

The reason why I ask is because while I was on vacation with Nar-mom, I had the opportunity to hear her give me a lengthy critique of every restroom in every facility we were in. Every restroom and cafe. She also expected me to give her my own critique of every restroom in every place we went. This coupled with the fact that she talks about her pet poodles cr*ping habits more then the average dog owner....?? THIS means that a good percentage of our daily dialogue revolves around if a restroom is a good enough receptacle for her Nar-cr*p??

The more I know about my mother the stranger she is.

I tell her that I don't want to discuss every restroom with her. I wonder if this is the routine she has with her husband, I wonder if that is the limited conversations topics they have in common.

Is the bathroom clean? Is there enough toilet paper?

How much does this cost, how much did you pay for that?

There's just no getting through her mundane, inane shell.

PS: Even when the dog is not with her she is thinking about where her dog could poop if he was with her.
The thought seems to cycle through her brain in the same way repetitive thinking happens.

I had a pet dog that pooped but I never gave it much strategic forethought on a daily basis as my mother does and she verbalizes it to me.
She even makes annoying sound effects to induce the dog to go poop.

I don't think the sound effects help the dog.

Actually I have noticed that the dog always seems really uncomfortable about pooping. The dog can't relax enough to go poop half the time.
Maybe Nar-people even make dogs nervous.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 04:38:28 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: "Body functions"
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 02:20:58 PM »
Many of them do seem to have an obsession with the bathroom and potty humor. For instance my aunt wants to bathe my 12 year old niece which I think is weird. My mother was obsessed with the color and texture of everyone's stool. Once when a cousin was visiting he used the bathroom that didn't always flush well and left behind a questionable turd. My mother stormed into the room where we were watching TV and demanded to know who'd had a bowel movement. Of course no one fessed up, to her great distress.

I've always thought that since their emotional makeup is that of a two year old it makes great sense that their humor and quasi-sexual interest are more at the level of playing doctor and examining body fluids.


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Re: "Body functions"
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 02:31:30 PM »
 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I posted this some long time ago about the N I was with, when he had an upset tummy over some restaurant food. I ate the same but just felt unwell for about a week, but he went there one more time there, for lunch (one of hhis business places) and 'became ill'.

He had pink P**P and told me all about it. Also when he was on the telephone with his customers, he told them all about his 'food poisoning' and his PinkP**P, which lasted about a week.

I had to wonder what they thought, and I was just appalled at my end to hear this story time and again!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: "Body functions"
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2010, 02:59:10 PM »

I agree, I also think an aunt wanting to bathe a 12 year old is not age appropriate.

Izzy,  :shock:

About the pink poop, well I'm not sure what to say about that one.  :lol:

I wouldn't buy a damn thing from a man who has pink poop! Snort!


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Change of subject
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2010, 09:27:54 PM »
A Change of Subject:

My mother went to a therapist and afterwards I really think she was trying to be nicer to me.

Of course I didn't really trust her and I didn't want to open my self up to get hurt.

The flip side of this is that I see how my mother has struggled with my grandmother and my mother didn't have a good role model to help her be a good parent. I'm not forgiving her for what she couldn't do for me as a parent but at the same time I think I have some sympathy for the situation. Spending a vacation all three of us, my elderly grandmother (who is still a mean, rough and tumble person), and my mother and me. I can see how the whole dynamic plays out multigenerationally.

My mother is nice one day and mean the next, but the thing is I almost believe that my mother wouldn't know how to be nice or love me even if she wanted to.
I dont know if I am imagining things (I probably am), but I like to give her a little forgiveness because she did, of her own volition or her husbands and my brothers prompting go see a therapist about the relationship between me and her.

I think it just takes something extreme to make a Nar-person do something like that.

Being that her husband witnessed her having a screaming temper tantrum towards me, I think he knows there is tension and problems between us and I think he told her to go see a therapist.


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Re: "Body functions"
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2010, 08:50:52 PM »
This is just so humorous.  SO typical of the N's I have in my life.

My N-grandma was so consumed by body functions.  Her obsession were enemas.  "One must deficate on schedule."  Enema's were a regular activity in her life.  She gave herself an enema weekly.  UGH!

When I was a kid and teenager, N-bro occasionallly would yell to the family "OMG, come see this!"  We would all run and find him in the bathroom admiring his excrement.

My NM would search the wastebasket for my sanitary napkins, wanting to see if "everything was okay".

I agree, Sealynx, it is that fascination with body functions that children have.  N's don't move much beyond that.



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Re: "Body functions"
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2010, 09:25:20 PM »
I agree, Sealynx, it is that fascination with body functions that children have.  N's don't move much beyond that.


Yeah, that explanation seems logical to me from a developmental perspective, and I can almost have some sympathy for this. Otherwise it is such odd behavior, it can be disturbing almost.


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« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2010, 04:57:51 PM »
I notice some of the ways I want to use my voice. As socially and politically incorrect as this is, I want to use my voice to speak up to the college kids who ask ME for charity money when I am walking down the street. I'm not talking about homeless beggars asking for money I am talking mainly about college kids who say they are collecting money for poor children in other countries.

Today a college kid looked at me and engaged me in conversation with this attitude that he is just totally confident I have money bulging out of my wallet. Lots and lots of imaginary money that should be transfered to someone else in another country who does not know how to use birth control or some nonsense like that.

The college kid wants an easy conversation where he just figures out how to say the most persuasive thing and then I open up my wallet and give him my excess.

Well, I tell him, because I have been asked so many times by these people that at this point I can't just walk away quietly like a greedy heartless snob. NO, I tell him that if I had extra money I would have my own home and my own family. I tell him that I don't have a family because I can't afford one! He tells me that I don't have to explain but you know what I do have to explain. Some part of me (my voice) finally wants to engage in this conversation instead of politely and quietly standing there while he persuades me to give him my nonexistent money. I tell him that I'm going to a foodbank to get food.

Does he offer to give me any money? NO..of course not. Why? Because the only reason why he is doing his college-kid-saves-the poor-children-of the world routine is probably because he needs "volunteering" on his college career resume.

Ok, I'm not going to continue this whole thing that goes through my head every time they stop me and ask me for money.
I just notice how actually speaking back to this guy while he stands there and gives me his speech is something he doesn't want to hear, he doesn't want my response. He doesn't want to know if the white American he is asking for money is living below the poverty level. Because a college kid just couldn't possibly comprehend something like that.

I told him today, what I really experience and the real reason why I don't give him money. And he looks at me like I have said something that should be kept discreet. He looks at me like I am choking him with my bra.

My voice is there and it wants to say it. My voice doesn't  want to be silent on the receiving end of other's expressions.
My voice speaks up in ways that maybe are not convenient but it's there. If someone stops me on the street to engage me in conversation WHO is to say that my voice can not pick up the other half of that conversation? I'm tired of being talked to.

White Americans should be discreet about being poor while everyone else screams and demands...I would like to see a college kid write a paper on that. It would make someone uncomfortable it's not a popular perspective.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 05:14:10 PM by Muffin buster »


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Re: "Body functions" AND other thoughts
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2010, 09:08:17 PM »



I'm so sorry, MB.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: "Body functions" AND other thoughts
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2010, 12:57:42 PM »
My NM is obsessed with body functions too.  She is obsessed with body parts of animals, etc.  I bought a set of these really nice German-made animals for my daughter, a cow, horse, pig, rooster, giraffe, dog, duck, tiger, and a lot more.

Well, the animals are plastic but really well made and collective pieces.  The animals are painted and have near anatomically correct bodies;  NM turned each one over and pointed at the penis' of each animal and laughed hysterically. She kept picking up each animal one by one and pointing to their private parts and saying, "heee heeee, look at this one! Look at this, ahhhh haaaaaa" and putting her finger on the giraff's and horse's penis, etc.  She was like a child!!!  It was so bizarre!  Mind you, the private parts of the plasitc animals were not THAT obvious to me or anyone else in the room but she made them obvious and thought it was so funny.  I hadn't really noticed them even until she made a big scene about them.

I was so embarrassed!!!!!


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Re: "Body functions" AND other thoughts
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2010, 06:13:33 PM »
I'm so sorry, MB.


Thanks, I'm ok though! At least at the moment I am.

It's just an interesting situation where something tells me that I am suppose to walk away quietly but my voice become some sort of actual pressure.



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Re: "Body functions" AND other thoughts
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2010, 06:17:05 PM »
My NM is obsessed with body functions too......  ....I was so embarrassed!!!!!

Hi, BWM, yeah, that is the weird kind of stuff I'm talking about.


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Re: "Body functions" AND other thoughts
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2010, 12:38:49 PM »
Where can I get set for my mother? She never likes any of the gifts I give her. I could add on to the set every year! Perfect.


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Re: "Body functions" AND other thoughts
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2010, 02:15:16 AM »

Bodily function.

My observation is that some people use 'bodily noises' to control those around them, sometimes even ramping up the decibels.
