I think yo yo'ing back and forth in grief is part of getting over it.
You do it till you're sick of the grief, sick of your N and sick of yourself being sick and exhausted.
That the world feels unsafe and hostile is/was more about feeling out of control and unable to affect surroundings, IMO. The N's gone.... let him go.
I noticed you keep referring to all the sabotage you've made it through......
all the outrageouse betrayals and unfairness.
You KNOW what to do.
You're doing it.
You carry on.
Hops might say "Try to sit with the really tough feelings, and do nothing.... just listen to them."
What I hear her say is..... "Don't do anything while you're struggling with the really hard emotions."
Wait for better feelings before you act..... nothing, good nor bad, lasts forever and relief always comes.
Eventually, the bad feelings and grief are watered down by the present, and you learn how to keep yourself safe.
Or maybe you don't. I honestly believe in researching appropriate boundaries and putting them in place.... defending them without the question of compromise rearing it's head. That might help with feeling safe.
If I had to write a paragraph on this kind of healing, it would be this:
Know that this pain is normal and necessary.... that it leads to healing and wisdom if you can stand it. With the really difficult feelings, journal journal journal, read it then write it all out again. Distill it down to it's purest form...... clear and internalized beyond loss. By small increments you'll feel less unsafe. Less haunted and vulnerable. At some point you'll be shocked to find you haven't thought about the pain in quite some time, and that's when you kinow you're getting over it.
There aren't any shortcuts.
Try not to fear the pain.... think of it as your instructor.
Accept that you were wounded unfairly, (I know it's a truly outrageous wounding, but that's the nature of the Nsociopath beast, nothing personal with them. It's what they were doing when they met you, and what they'll be doing until they die.) Then focus on internal and external boundaries to keep yourself safe in the future.
Maybe even a good screaming wah wah fit in the shower will help, in the shorterm. Some people can't let it all out like that, but I think it helps if one can.
::sending white light and strentth for the journey ahead::
Suddenly, I'm in the mood for a bon fire.