Hey CB! I feel the same way you do about being identified through my posts - especially as I add more & more details, and current events. I know enough about what is possible on the techie-backend side of of the software & servers... to justify that worry, some. One time, I even erased all my old posts, I was so scared.
It's not that I want to hide from everyone, mind you. In fact, I've been trying to push myself lately to come out from behind whatever shred of my last ego-defenses still exist, here. But, the first time around between my version of what happened to me - and my mom's version - was so awful, so "sensational" (exagerated & exacerbated), and I was so "stigmatized" (that would be humiliated and discredited; not believed) - that I simply can't get past the "what ifs" - the worst that could happen - i.e., my brother & mother finding out what I've written about them. For one thing - it'll be all about them. AGAIN. And I'll be to blame &tc. AGAIN.
Then, there is the fact that as I heal and grow - I'm contradicting myself. Changing my mind about things. Gosh; that's embarassing! But necessary, I think. Processing my chronology of events, to try to get it to read like a high school history textbook (and not the latest action movie script) does open up new ways of looking at things... and putting them firmly "in the past" - or "let go of", in emotional terms. Lately, my brain's been in overdrive - the chattering mind is completely ADD right now - and I've got ideas, and directions, and just "stuff" running through it so fast... that I'll start a great big long post... and then just delete it... because somehow I know - it's just mental energy and the "content" is just not important to anyone - not even me. Maybe that's a side-effect of not obsessing so much on the old feelings; the old wounds... and my monkey mind is looking for something new to make me "important" - a legend in my own mind.