Hi - how're you doing with all your changes? Have a minute to share the latest?
I been thinkin' bout ya and wondering if you're crazy busy... if the new space you've got since D has moved out is liberating... how you're doing with the freelance work... if you're finding new ways to focus and cope. Getting any glimpses of what the new "Hop's World" will be like yet?
MIL's radiation was successful and the low-dose treatment avoided any noticeable side effects. However, in the month since the treatments ended, two more tumors have grown to replace the one that was pretty much eliminated this time. Doc is now putting her on a genetic version, pill-based chemo: Tarceva. Lord only knows how expensive that will be and how much her insurance will cover. We'll find out next week. It's lung cancer - and even the surgical removal of part of her lung (3-4 yrs ago) didn't stop it from growing back - so this drug is supposed to be used like a "maintenance" drug - whatever that means.
It was a little weird. We visited the radiologist first, for the monthly checkup and he was all upbeat (the man is a total loon and we all enjoyed "playing" together) and happy and told her that according to him - she was doing very well. Half an hour later, we visit the oncologist who had ordered the CT scan - and we go from the relief of a successful treatment to being told that she has a recurrent tumor in the L lung and a new one in the R lung... and here's the new treatment to adjust to and put up with and endure. So even while we were winning the battle with one tumor (and it was in a critical location - the esophagus) the cancer was outflanking us and sneaking up again. This doc did say that with the drug, there was a chance that these (currently small) tumors could be killed off, if she began as soon as possible.
MIL's birthday is Sunday; she'll be 83. Sometimes I think she's got a great attitude and other times, I can tell she's depressed and is facing (in her private way) her death. I know I would be!! Her eyes get very red rimmed (tho' I've not caught her crying) when she's thinking the worst. When she's hopeful - the redness goes away. The hardest thing is to be sitting in the Drs. office with her, getting news like this and she asks me what should she do? I have to just shake my head and tell her I can't make that decision for her; I can explain all the pros & cons but it's not my decision. That's a boundary I can't cross, even if the docs are assuming I'm her daughter. I know she's thinking that even with the medication, she knows how this all will end. The same way all our stories will end. And she's starting to tire of the process of fighting it and is working toward an inner acceptance, even as she's deciding she'll take the chance that the drug offers.
Hubby is good, throughout this. He and I both know we need to drop in on her and engage her more frequently right now - not necessarily to talk about this. Just to keep her busy and connected and make sure she eats enough; she brings things up freely on her own, as they occur to her. Thoughts about her house; her savings, her car, etc. BIL is also very good about dealing with the things that concern MIL, keeping her in the present; I think they're very close. SIL - well, MIL decided it was best to tell her, face to face this weekend. I hope she's right. SIL is a complicated puzzle to me. But then, I didn't have the kind of mom she does. MIL and I are more like close friends... but my other losses are so close yet, to me... that I think I'm already beginning the grieving process for her. This whole situation may be more than I bargained for; time will tell.
One really welcome surprise is that here at the beach, there is all the medical care & med tech that was available at "home", in Va. And with the smaller resident population, the doctors have more time with each patient. Everyone we've met through this process has been absolutely wonderful - real oeople and not just their "role".
And of course - there's still LOTS more going on "Amber's World" - but this is the most important thing. Everything else, is just "stuff". I sure hope I'm up to this...
... so tell me, Hops... how goes it with you? Do you have any "hoppy" news? I sure could stand to hear some!