Author Topic: Seeking Prayers  (Read 3232 times)


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Seeking Prayers
« on: October 23, 2010, 09:50:25 PM »

My dad is critically ill and in intensive care.  Feeling all kiinds of emotions....mostly worry and heartache and guilt.  I tried to be a good daughter, even though he was completely enabling of the N mom and Nsis.....but I know I fell short----sometimes getting frustrated and impatient with him.  My own clinical depression also I think came into play.  But I desperately want an opportunity to make it right....even though I can't entirely.

If any of you are so like-minded, I'd really appreciate any prayers and good thoughts.

Thank you.



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2010, 10:56:16 PM »

I imagine that your father is very tired, and although your thoughts are whirling with all you wished you had done, his are truly not. 

Holding his hand right now will have the most impact on him.  Just being there right now.  Its easy to think that there are a lot of loose ends to be tied up, but for him there are not.  There is just pain and comfort of right now.  You cant do anything about the pain, but you are able to give him the comfort.  It is the right now that is all that matters to him.

Much comfort to you as well, Sun.

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 01:21:54 AM »
You've got them, Sun.

Let yesterday go...this is the time to really, really, be PRESENT with him.

Just in the present moment. Being at peace and being present. It's what you both have.

When yesterday keeps coming back in, it blocks the present. It takes it away.
Now, just be with now.

Thinking of you, and him,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 09:41:37 AM »
Hi sunblue,

Forgiving oneself for one’s perceived shortcomings can be, for some people (those who suffer from or have suffered from depression, for example), extremely difficult.  But all of us are imperfect.  And if you have a “depressive’s” view of the world, chances are you did far more for/meant far more to your father than you are aware of—“depressives” (sometimes tragically) are often unable to accurately measure their worth to others. 

You are in my thoughts…



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 10:00:01 AM »

You are a good daughter, and your worry, guilt and anxiety are further proof that you care for your family very much..... even when they aren't so careful with you.

You've done your best in an untenable situation.....

it's your father who fell short. 

Please try to forgive him, and yourself. 



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 06:52:18 PM »
Good thoughts to you!  Be strong!


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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 07:19:57 PM »

I hope you can be gentle with yourself.  You have done nothing wrong, you are a good daughter.  I can tell you that both of my parents passed & I felt like I never got the opportunity to "make it right".  But, I realize that the "make it right" was really my own fantasy, my own wish.  My T helped me see that the relationships were what they were & they couldn't be any different. 
You are in my thoughts.  Stay strong.



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 07:27:24 PM »
Keeping you in my thoughts Sunblue.


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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2010, 02:25:10 AM »
You and your dad are both in my thoughts and prayers, Sunblue.  None of us are perfect - I truly believe that life is all about learning and growing as individuals.  We'd all live perfect lives if we started at the end and worked backwards, but that's not how it's done!  We're born knowing nothing and learn a huge amount as we go along, often without realising it.  It's now that counts - you're being a fabulous daughter by caring for him and loving him and wanting to be there.  Thinking of you both at this sad time.



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2010, 07:32:03 AM »
Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts.  I've been at the hospital around the clock this week.  This is so, so hard.  He is very critical and I'm doing my best to hold on.  I know I shouldn't be by now, but I am always surprised by the fact that Narcissism is everpresent.  Even in this very serious crisis, my N sis wielded her ugliness.  She tried to keep my from holding my dad's hand or rearranging the blanket on him.  She is completely narcissistic and selfish.  This situation has truly exacerbated it.  I had been pretty lucky in not having to see her for the most part over the last 10 years and my brother hadn't seen her in 14.  But it is all I can do to hold it together.  My brother is coping with it by only coming to visit my dad when she's not there or literally ignoring her presence when he must be in the same room with her.  I suppose I will have to do that as well...although I would like to be around my dad 24/7 to talk to doctors, etc.  But it is so clear that my brother and I are marginalized, have no role or no say and that my mom just supports my sis.  I suppose long-held family dynamics don't change...even in a crisis.

You have lots of time to think when you sit in an ICU room hour after hour.  It is just sad that my N sis and mom systemically drove my dad to have only a minimal relationship with my brother and I.  I know he was not strong enough to stand up to them and he just wanted to please my mom.  But still.

At this point, I am choosing not to focus on that.  I am choosing instead to pray, to provide comfort to my mom if I can (of if she lets me) and just will my dad to get better.  It is so hard to see him in this state............In the ICU late at night, I get like Shirley MacLaine in Terms of Endearment when I think a machine is beeping when it shouldn't or that he's not getting enough pain medication....I keep praying and I really appreciate your prayers.  Prayer is what is really needed now.


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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2010, 07:38:46 AM »
Dr. G.

Thank you so much for your insights.  Yes, I've been depressed all my life and my dad has been a bit depressed later in life.  I know I always tried to show him I loved him in ways I could but I so regret the times I was impatient or frustrated with him....especially in all those times he supported the Ns in my family.  I know he was not strong enough to stand up to them and so went along with them.....but sometimes the hurt of that got in the way. 

I suppose as I struggle with this crisis now, I lament the lost opportunity prompted by the Narcissist situation.  Had my N mom and sis not systematically insisted that he choose them (over a relationship with his other 2 children), would I have been able to feel like I was loved and valued?   Not sure...and I guess this is another level of acceptance I must come to.

Right now, the aloneness and loneliness factor is really high.  Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers.  I'm not coping all that well but try to focus on the prayer that is needed.

Really thank you so much for this Board Dr. G.  At times like these, when I feel more alone than ever, the virtual fellowship of this board is really a lifesaver.


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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2010, 08:58:30 PM »
Hi Sun,

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.  It's not to late to speak to your father (even if in his sleep).  They do hear you. 

You and yours are in my prayers.



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2010, 03:32:45 PM »
Thank you again for all the prayers and thoughts.  I've been at the hospital all week around the clock and am staying overnight in the ICU.  My brother and I are trying to schedule time so that we limit interactions with my N sis who is beyond sick.  I am trying to focus on my dad and prayers and not on the fact that together, my N sis and N mom insiisted my dad "choose" and therefore result in a limited relationshp with my bro and I.  Trying..not always succeeding.

So hard to see him like sit there all night and hear the machines beeping....Don't think I'm functioning or coping very well....But I so appreciate your thoughts here.

Please continue to keep my dad in your prayers.




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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2010, 04:35:31 PM »
Don't think I'm functioning or coping very well

Please don't be so hard on yourself Sunblue. Anyone who cares for an ailing loved one 24/7 is functioning pretty well, if you ask me. You're going through an extremely difficult time, and all you can do is your best, which is EXACTLY what you're doing. You're a good daughter.

Keeping you in my thoughts.



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Re: Seeking Prayers
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2010, 05:42:21 PM »
Sunblue - take it easy on yourself. it sounds like you are going through some early grief, anticipating loss and acting ahead of that by being critical with yourself.  take it easy and just do the best you can to be present. you're doing great in an impossible situation...much love, support and hugs to you. alesia