I hope this makes sense. I'm trying to sort through a lot of feelings about things I hear in the media that are just making me really really angry.
In the last year or so, I've noticed the word "narcissist" being thrown around the in the media as if the condition is as commonplace (and sometimes as benign) as a head cold. It seems to be the latest trendy buzz word used in celebrity bashing, second only to Botox. Just in the last few weeks, I've heard Paris Hilton is a narcissist, Linsday Lohan is a narcissist, Charlie Sheen is a narcissist, Snooki is a narcissist. It goes on and on. A few days ago I was watching Kelsey Grammer's bitter ex-wife on a talk show, and one of the first things out of her mouth was, "Well, he was very difficult to live with because he was such a narcissist." The WORST was a few months ago on Joy Behar's show. The guest was the woman who hosts the Millionaire Matchmaker reality show, and in talking about one of the bachelors, she said he had NPD, "Narcissistic Perfectionist Disorder." What? Is there even such a thing?
Anyway, this is making things really hard on me, because every time I tell someone that my mother has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the general reaction is that oh, my mother is a spoiled brat, like Lindsay Lohan. How could that possibly have hurt me?
Last Christmas, I finally came clean with my closest cousin, and told him that I had gone NC with my mother because she had abused me. I had his sympathy, until I mentioned Narcissistic Perfectionist Disorder. That was when he said, "Well, your mother has always been pretty demanding of attention, but is that any reason to cut ties with her?"
So I guess I'm wondering two things.
1. Is there such a thing as "just being a narcissist?" Meaning being full of yourself, having a sense of entitlement, being a spoiled brat. OR . . .
2. Are these members of the media completely misinformed and have no idea what a narcissist really is?
This is very distressing to me, because when I finally do confide in someone, they think Mom was just a little eccentric and that I'm overreacting. No one equates narcissism with abusive behaviour of any kind. How do I tell people (outsiders, not Ts or fellow N victims) that there's a huge difference between young bratty celebrities, and the mentally ill world of a child abusing woman with NPD?