Hey towrite,
I'm sorry.
I hear you. It's very scary to move to a different city knowing no one and on top of that being laid off. I don't like feeling insecure (with just basic needs) a job, rent, ect and it has happened to me in the past. Your a survivor and you will survive. You are strong and will get through this down time.
Yes I think narcissim gets worse with age. When narcissist move into (as I am seeing) middle life they see themselves in thier 20s. The rest of the world don't.
They also (in mind) become more child'ish,more demanding of take care of me, either way, money or emotion (sucking you dry).
As far as your mother trashing you to relatives and friends it's because you are not whom she wants you to be, do not do as she tells you to do, so she no longer needs you, therefore, you have been abandoned. Shame on you.
Because you abandoned her. In her (mind) you have harmed her. You are yourself, an individual. I don't think they get that.
And let the trash show begin. I do think that narcissist have *intense shame feelings*. They don't feel guilt (feel for the other) of whom they caused harm to.
That they have done something (not so good) to do. They will try to heal the harm they have caused.
They have shamed (feelings) deep. They have been harmed by you (they think) and you should feel guilt. Just for being yourself and saying You Harmed Me...
you did do things that were not good....They hear...You are no good (but I don't think they are hearing that from you, really). That's long before you came into this world....
Mabye that is what they heard, do as I say, be as I tell you to be....
And I don't know, I get lost at some point of how they became whom they became...when other's in the same family don't become narcissist but all have been wounded.
I don't know about your brother maybe he is pissed because you abandoned (jumped ship) are your own person and he is pissed at you because of that.
He may be really mad at himself. I don't know.