Author Topic: Advice again, please, friends.  (Read 5905 times)


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2010, 02:30:32 PM »
I agree with your T, it would have been healthier to go away.

As it is, you're trying to "catch him" disobeying or being disloyal, and you're watching them like a hawk. I can feel the tension in the house through my monitor!

This is not healthy, this vigilant spying and obsessing, it really isn't, Lupe. You are not achieving anything but more instability and more damage to the relationship. It is damaging for one adult to treat another like a bad child.

It's true that it takes a long time to find out if someone is trustworthy.
Unfortunately, it may take even longer to find out if you can experience trust.

The thing is, even if you can set up a thousand "tests" or "traps" or "proofs" -- ultimately, your inability to be at peace alone, or happy with your own self, leaks into whatever relationship you're in. They're really all the same, at heart. The previous bf and his dancing with other woman, your son's gf's family/mother, your coworkers at the previous job and now this job...

It's all the same theme. It's about YOU not trusting that you can create happiness and meaning without a whole lot of reinforcement from outside sources. And because of your mother, outside sources feel so profoundly unreliable and unsafe to you, that you go into hyper-controlling, hyper-supervising mode...

Which snuffs out the possibility of building a healthy intimacy. Not just an intimacy that exists when it's the two of you alone under the moon, or one-on-one with anyone...but a healthy ebb-and-flow closeness and feeling of belonging that you carry all the time, especially while alone. So when you are interacting with other people--family, bfs, coworkers, public--you don't have to be afraid...and the natural triangular interactions that are part of being in the human community don't all feel to you like a competition.

You will know that there are good human beings all around, a few who aren't, but there are many who are good and nondestructive, so the world of connecting is a place of delight, not terror. And that if one connection doesn't have a feeling of ease and oxygen, you can release it without so much anguish and blame, and move forward in the world knowing that there is PLENTY of love, no shortage of it, ever, and soon the universe will offer you a new opportunity to share it. Maybe in the ways you fantasize about or pre-define, or maybe in situations you've never encountered before.

I have finally recognized that there was a whole lot of wisdom in the old-fashioned "stages of courtship" and taking a VERY long time to get to know someone, particularly before becoming sexual (which often bonds you whether you are ready for that bond or not...thank the hormones).

I think I'd find it unsettling to have a bf who's still enmeshed with his ex. I don't think it's strange to be troubled by it.

But I do think the tests and proofs and invisible Lupita-cams (mental ones) are not the solution.

You're torturing yourself. You could be walking by the beach, enjoying a museum, or at the movies.

Matter of fact, I'm going off to a movie by myself this afternoon, and can't wait...

Love to you, Lup, hope some of this helps a little.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2010, 02:55:06 PM »

I happened to run across this article on the web...I was kinda amazed at how appropriate it is to what we are discussing.  As a matter of fact, this writer expresses MUCH better what I was trying to express to you.

I think you might be misunderstanding what I was saying in my post.  Yes, you need to take time and observe.  But the process of doing that is over months, not hours.   The observation has to come from each of you living your real lives and just being part of them and observing how you interact with each other and with others in each other's presence.  You can't telescope the whole process into one day.

I agree with Hops that you are probably losing touch with what you really want here.  You are behaving obsessively and, regardless of what you are seeing in him, I hope you are seeing some things in yourself.  You are way too involved in what he is doing on a minute by minute basis--to me, it is a red flag that control is an important part of this relationship.  Perhaps you feel that ONE of you is going to be controlling the other, and you are fearful of being controlled so you are controlling him? 

When I say that you need to observe, it is for the purpose of seeing if continuing this relationship is good for both of you.  Not because one of you has been wrestled into compliance, but because you have observed over time that the way you two do things NATURALLY are in synch.   Like with me and my sweetheart--his parenting is an important marker to me of what I will feel comfortable with.  If he was always bad mouthing his kids' mothers, I would feel very negative about the future of the relationship.  That behavior would not be in synch with who I am. 

Read this article and see if any of it makes sense.  Then, if I were you, I would take a big break and give him a big break.  There are two kinds of withdrawal as you will read about in the article--punitive and restorative.  I think you might have misunderstood what I was saying--that you should take punitive breaks.  I really didnt mean to come across that way.  The breaks you should be taking should be restorative.  I think Hops' advice is very very good.

Love CB
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2010, 04:26:14 PM »
it is 4:22. They have not come back from the beach. M is here at his computer. He did not go with them neither stayed close to them like I thought he was going to do becuase he did it last week on Monday. But after all what I have told him all last week and this, he did not do it today. If he gets mad at me, it is going to be his loss, not mine.

I know, like Hops siad before, it is a mistake to get involved with a man so enmshed with the ex.

One more hour ro go dancing we are supposed to leave here at 6:30. Two more hours to get out of here.

Hopefully we will not come back till late.

Tomorrow I willl give him a break. I will go to my apartment and omce back in the afternoon. Just to have a glass of wine with him and go to bed.

I am in the hands of God, and I have not done anything wrong or bad. I am a good person.


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2010, 04:28:22 PM »
But, oh boy, does he casue me so much stress.

CB I read the article. It sounds fine. I will go away tomorrow morning. With God's help.

He chooses to keep her around. It is his choice. Now I have to choose if i want to live with that or leave. I feel sad and tired.


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2010, 04:48:09 PM »
4:31, they came back from the beach. Mike went downstairs immediately. He stayed for 2 mines there, then came back then went back. 4:43, M is going to take a nap. Finally he will relax. She is finally gone.

For today, I guess, she can come whenever she wants. It is up to me if I want to live with a man like this.

I really don't like him, I don't like what he does. I don't like the way he manages his life.  I am very unhappy.

I start working next Monday and again, she can come whenever she wants to. i don't like it.


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2010, 04:50:37 PM »
Those kids are old. Might they do something to me? Are they hating me? Is that woman now mad becuase I was here and M did not hang around here?

I personally think she is not happy with her boyfriend and sje is trying to get M back. And the kids, are helping her. Like always, everybody against me. Just this time it is M choice to do it that way.

I gues I am nothing. I am exhausted.


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #36 on: November 24, 2010, 08:05:53 AM »

you know how some people can take perfectly valid numbers or statistics and then twist them to back up what is just one opinion?

Sometimes, we humans do that with our observations of other people, too. I've personally experienced situations where - because of my emotional state or some past triggers - I've completely misread a situation and what was really going on was nothing like the narrative of it, that I'd created in my mind. But I sure as heck convinced myself... so I could feel righteously angry, and then throw blame on someone, or play poor me. And none of those things was at all what I really wanted.

What I really wanted was even scarier, more stressful than those things. Because it meant I had to give up those old ways of being and reacting and looking for ulterior motives in everyone's behavior. And I had to make real choices and connections and allow people to be close to the real me - that was absolutely terrifying for me. But with the help of my T, and some others, I did make baby-steps in this direction until one day I just "was the real me" - and I was fascinated with the fact that nothing bad happened at all.

Now, I'm not saying this applies to you. I couldn't possibly know that. But are YOU sure that you haven't misread the some or all of the situation? Can you be 100% sure without actually talking to M about it? You are sure of how you feel; that's one thing you can trust is a sure thing. But how you feel doesn't automatically translate into motivation and intent to make you feel this way, on M's part. And the only way you can know what's going on is to talk to him.
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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #37 on: November 24, 2010, 10:23:48 AM »
We broke up this morning. It took me five minutes to take the few things I had at his house and put them in my car. I left. I am at my apartment, alone, as always wa sin my life.

I never win the battles. Alone again. M is very selfish. I am an object that he can pull and push whenever he wants.

Very sad day today.



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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2010, 02:22:54 PM »
I'm so sorry for your pain -- even it had to be, it doesn't take away the feelings -- I'll keep you in my prayers.  Love, Biddy


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #39 on: November 26, 2010, 07:07:44 AM »
Thank you BadD, thank you for your post. I really need all the cheer i can get.

Wow, it feels so lonely here, so powerless.

So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #40 on: November 26, 2010, 11:14:09 AM »
You're not alone, Lupe...and you are strong.

I am very sorry for the grief and disappointment you are feeling--these are painful feelings.

In a week or two, I hope you'll share here what you think, looking back.

Meanwhile, comfort, calm and friendship--you deserve them all.

I hope you'll stick with your T, too.


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Re: Advice again, please, friends.
« Reply #41 on: November 28, 2010, 08:04:17 PM »
Hey Lupe:

You're alone because you chose yourself over M.

M wanted you, but you have you, and you're taking care of your needs now.

I know it feels empty and scary, but mindfully caring for yourself, and believing in your ability to do so, will eventually start feeling less alien.

Just keep choosing you, and you'll see.
