It's over.
One of my worst ever, as well (with my D mostly estranged). Tried SO hard to gear up in advance to be boundaried against it all and unaffected but it seems I can't be, completely. So I rode the surf and not successfully but I think...that's okay. There is just no way to stop the tsunami of sorrows the holidays can trigger. One can help each other a bit, but there you go, it just is what it is, and maybe there's no more point fighting it than there is in trying to prevent winter from being winter. So if there is sorrow, maybe the real holiday job is to feel it. I sure did.
On Christmas Eve I felt the MOST pitiful. Went outside and raked leaves for an hour or so. Found myself looking around at my neighbors' houses and thinking nasty bitter thoughts. (Since the For Sale sign went up not one of them has bothered to speak to me about it, and I'm saying to myself, yeah, there you are in your super-Christian pious little families, and here you have a neighbor who is so lonely and isolated she feels heartbroken and you don't even bother to say one word like, I'm sorry you have to move? After nearly 50 years? Working myself up to a really righteous little pity party. Sob. Hating my stupid f-ing neighbors for not caring.)
Five minutes after I came in the door the most rigidly religious one was ringing my doorbell. She hands me some cookies and says, Are you alone this Christmas? I didn't mean to but I teared up and said, My family is not what it once was. And thanked her. I went upstairs and the bell rang again and she was back, inviting me, very sincerely, to join them for Christmas dinner. I was very touched, cried even harder. She came in and saw the one empty room (stuff shipped to my brother). I guess she noticed how sort of bleak it might feel. I told her I had tentative plans with a friend but would call her.
I did have plans, and didn't want to go there--and called Xmas Day to thank her for the thought--but it meant a LOT to me that she noticed, and invited me. I will remember her warmly. She is real.
That evening at the last minute I called another friend and offered her a ride to the Xmas Eve service, which I hadn't thought I'd go to. It wasn't awful. Singing's always nice, sitting among my PHamily is always good. Candlelight Silent Night out under the stars is lovely. So I'm glad I went. But it was noticeable (and scary) to me that later that night, my thoughts went to old age, and the way things are with my D (for now anyway, only messages are when she wants something and she never asks how I am, seems purely indifferent to my life) -- I got into a state of fear about being old, alone, or even abused perhaps. So I was Googling the night away and found myself reading about the Hemlock Society. Fascinating, and I suppose empowering. But still, spending an hour or so learning how to do oneself in (should I ever want to) was a pretty clear indication of how hard the holidays can be. (I hear you, Bones.) A friend a month or so ago had written me that the aunt of a friend of hers, very old and with Parkinson's, had driven her scooter chair into the pool, on purpose. To drown herself.
That reading session passed but it disturbed me. I do not want to go there again. Kind of a wakeup call to how bad pain can get and how much I intend to live a life that does not leave me that isolated again. Need a better plan for next year and I will make one.
Christmas Day I had vague plans with the same girlfriend I did Tgiving with this year. We decided to be Jewish for the day and do Chinese food and a movie. Went really well! Found a nice Chinese buffet and then went to a TERRIFIC movie--True Grit. Highly recommend it. She is in touch with some relatives, and has some friends. But she was rocked, earlier in the week, with her own tsunami. So I'm really glad we could steady each other. She has also trained for the SPCA dog walking.
Today...I need to edit my freelance work so as soon as I stop playing here, I will go do that.
I am very glad in spite of all the anguish that I did not do the holiday with Gennulman. He will never understand, but I knew that I needed to spend a lot of time alone, and what time I did spend with people with friends who would not emphasize that "I am flotsam" melancholy that he exudes. He turned up at the service and I'm sure was surprised to see me (we had talked for a half hour earlier but I didn't mention my plans, because he would think we should do that "together" and I don't WANT to be his holiday "date"...it's just even mustier and sadder than it was to feel my own clean pain with my other friends around me, who are not tugging at me to fill their holes when I'm working to repair my own, if that makes any sense.)
Thank god it's over for another year. Ho-bug doesn't even begin to express it.
love to everybody,