Lupita, you now see the pattern and how it's repeated throughout your life.
You're not the only one! I did this too... and even the hubby that I'm with now and our relationship has some of the same "issues" to it, as my relationship with my mom. Just not the really awful ones.
NOW, it's time to breathe and relax a bit; take care of yourself and
resist telling yourself that this is "all your fault". Sure, you've got things to learn about why you do this and how to break the cycle; change it. But seeing the pattern is HUGE step forward... so the first thing to do, to make more progress... is to rest and gather yourself together for the next step. I know I said "it takes two to tango" - and you know, that somehow you keep attracting and getting involved with abusive people... it's just not time to go there and start working on that yet.
The best advice I could give you, is to take this to your therapist and work on it there - first. Don't try to change a whole lot in 3-D; you say you're not spending all your time with M and maybe this much distance between you two, will "work" for awhile. Working on this with your T first, will give you a chance to really understand how this works (it's more complicated than it looks!)... before you put it all to the test in life. It really is an educational process - learning things about yourself that you might not even have noticed before - and finding ways to fix them inside first... before trying to make changes outside. I always wondered why my outside changes were never permanent - why I always slipped back into the same old, same old... it's coz I hadn't changed inside first. A T is the best person to help you learn how to behave different - based on the inside changes.
Can you think back to when you first came to the board? Can you see how much you've learned, changed and grown - already? Sure, there's more. That's true for all of us. But you're getting there, kiddo. You don't have to rush this, you don't have to be perfect (you will make some mistakes - you're allowed to make mistakes!!) and you will continue to grow.
And no more of this "always alone" stuff!

What am I, chopped liver???! Hops, CB, Lighter, Deb.... we're here, right?
When you have those kinds of thoughts that make you feel just lower than low... you gotta start talking back to them; question the truth of them and the basic premises... because I don't think any of us here would agree with those thoughts you're having about yourself or accept them as "true" about you - all inclusive, all the time, stuck like this. People make mistakes; people get "stuck" in cycles, loops as GS calls them... it happens; it doesn't have to be permanent... and it is possible to figure out why and change this.
It will be OK, Lupita... you're doing real well, even if it doesn't feel like it right now! But please do me a favor, and start talking about these patterns with your T. I've only got my own trial & error experience to offer you... and the things I've learned. It's a real good thing that everyone else has chimed in, too - to say what I either didn't get, didn't see, or forgot.