Author Topic: I unleashed the Kracken!  (Read 1592 times)


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I unleashed the Kracken!
« on: December 12, 2010, 04:28:45 PM »
Well, now the holidays can officially start since my NM is pissed at me.  Over the years I've noticed that NM is not happy unless she's in a holiday snit about something.  Usually her snipping was reserved for my Dad, but since he's gone, it of course, is me.  And it all started because I had to reinforce a boundary with her.  My brother, to his horror, is the GC.  Fortunately he hates this role and since discovering NPD, we have talked at length about this.  To my mother he will always be her Baby Boy (he's 45 and has 3 kids) and tries to treat him as such.  She also tries to interfere in OUR relationship.  When NM wants my brother to do something, like call her more often or come to visit us (he lives out of state) she will use me and put words into my mouth.  Now my brother certainly knows that its NM and not me, but it still pissed me off.  She too much of a coward around him to actually state what HER feelings and would rather put me in the awkward position.  I have told her many times to leave me out of whatever request she wants of Brother.  Well today she called and was whining that Brother hasn't made any effort to visit at Christmas.  Yes, this is true, but its her issue with him and not mine.  She mentioned she was going to call him about it.  I told her to again, state what she wanted from him and leave me out of it.  I told her my relationship with Brother was fine and if I had issues I would discuss them direcly with him. 

She of course had a fit.  She of course turned it all around and around.  However, this time, thanks to my therapy sessions, I calmly re-stated my boundaries with her, told her she did not have to agree, but that she needed to respect my wishes.

So we shall see. 


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Re: I unleashed the Kracken!
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2010, 07:48:04 PM »
Oh, CGM, can I relate (having been used as a mouthpiece...)

I hope your brother knows:
"ANYTHING that our mother attributes to me, anything at ALL, be sure to call me and check with me directly."


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I unleashed the Kracken!
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2010, 09:20:53 AM »
Hey Hops:

Oh yes, Brother is fully aware of that.  I made sure of it.  Plus he's a smart guy and knows that its really NM that's speaking.


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Re: I unleashed the Kracken!
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2010, 04:23:05 PM »
Well done, C, sounds like you handled it beautifully!  As I started to talk more openly with my older sister we were both amazed at the way we'd all been told different things, supposedly coming from other siblings but actually coming from my mum and her alone.  Well done for refusing to get drawn in to it :)


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Re: I unleashed the Kracken!
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2010, 12:12:48 PM »
CGM - I wish my brother and I could have an honest conversation about our NM. We used to, but since whatever made him stop speaking to me, he won't have any part of it. He's 56 and has 3 children and is out of work. Since he's living with her, maybe he feels he can't afford to talk about her. But I don't see him diving into reality any time soon.
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.


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Re: I unleashed the Kracken!
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2010, 12:40:40 PM »
I'm sorry Towrite, that is very rough.  Maybe he's does feel beholden since he's living under her roof.  Hopefully, he will see the light.

My brother and I have a different sort of sibling relationship.  There is 10 years between us and I practically raised him.  (I think that is why our mother treats him as her GC, I think she feels guilty.)  We never had that sibling rivarly and I always protected him from our mother.  After I turned 18, I was the contact all his schools used.  Things were easier to fake back then - I doubt it would fly today.  You would have thought our mother would be suspect about that, but I think she was just happy not to be bothered.  When he was in high school, he spent most weekends with me and my family.  I guess you can say I was his refuge since our parents marriage was really in bad shape back then and she wanted my brother to be her emotional support.  Typical Narc behavior on her part.

As an aside, since our conversation I have not heard one word from her.  My DH had to call her the other day and he said she was cool towards him.  Frankly, I am enjoying the silent treatment.  LOL