Author Topic: Secret Santa & Other Horrors  (Read 2633 times)


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Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« on: December 12, 2010, 11:21:34 AM »
Bones posted something this morning about a recent secret Santa experience of hers that underscored for me the pitfalls and pains of the Holidays -- applies to all of course.  But as a member of a dysfunctional family, nostalgia always includes pain that borders on the bizarro, from my experience. 

I'm doing pretty well this year, but various activities have started triggering "Christmas Memories."  Over the coming days, I hope to "share" some of those Christmas memories and welcome you to do the same.

Our Holidays more closely resembled "family hostage" experiences.  They could be broken down into -- drama surrounding tree / decoration; drama surrounding gifts and gift giving behavior from Hell; drama surrounding food and the drudgery associated; drama surrounding appearances of all the above.

For example, as children, we were never allowed to touch the tree -- it was N Father's moment to rise from his Lazyboy throne and bark even more incomprehensible orders.  Only he was actually allowed to touch and place ornaments -- always white with a single color for the decor -- by the time we were teens and no longer the slightest bit interested, he moved on to "flocking" them himself in our garage, which was always a gigantic two day production which at least twice ended up in a trip to the emegency room, but was always more like a demilitarized zone than a joyous holiday expression.

And there must be enough gift lore to stretch around the world?  The year I finally graduated from college, I was broke.  I had to pay spring semester tuition in advance before Christmas and there was NO way I was not going to do it -- also I was going to get reimbursed for fall for partial tuition from employer right after first of year -- but I was hurting for money big time.  I told mommie dearest that I was going to get everyone a small gift as usual, but would really like it if she could forego gifts in lieu of cash (usually she spent about 100 -150 dollars for each of us in gifts) this year?  She didn't answer and I didn't think about it again until our usual Christmas eve gift exchange.  She had told everyone that I wanted money and wasn't getting anyone anything.  The kind ones gave me token gifts in defiance of her directive.  She gave me Nothing.  It was a very very surreal experience -- you always wonder what you will do...  deep breaths just thinking about it.  This was 17 years ago and I was all on my own at the time.  At the end of the evening, when it would be gracefully acceptable for me to go home, I got ready and was almost out the door when she brought me a plain (out of the box of 50 type) envelope and handed it to me.  I opened it when I got away and it had a check in it for $30.00!  Even in 1992, it would have been well worth 30.00 not to have to have done any of that.  I'm telling you, it was obscene -- tons of stuff for everyone else to open -- NOTHING for me to open -- aunt slipped me a check and cousin gave me a jug of windshield washer fluid -- Seriously!  It's very shaming to be the one in the room with the no present pile.  And you don't have anything whatsoever to do, once you've given out your presents.  I still want to die, just thnking about it. And if I told it anywhere else, I would sound petty and greedy.   And I'm glad I shared.

Love, Biddy


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2010, 11:35:27 AM »
'obscene' is a great word to describe that and i agree.

This year I bought myself the expensive hand cream that I usually buy for others.  :D


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2010, 11:43:35 AM »
Good for you Guest!  Up until this year, I abhorred the idea that we would buy ourselves things for Christmas, spending all on others -- this year, we're not going crazy by any means, but we will have a gift exchange here before we start out with the carload going elsewhere.  I'm excited about Christmas for the first time in about 35 years and I can't wait!


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2010, 01:56:59 PM »
Oh Biddy, she was a true Scroogette. Ugh.
Doesn't get the joy of giving, sounds like.

I always loathed when Xmas gifts became transactional. Screw it.
Such a great opportunity for power plays. Better to ask about money another time.
You got played, but in a way, were truthful about your circumstances.

And the gifts and buying and spending are NOT the point (as if anybody were remembering that).

I laughed at your father's obedient army of flocked ornament soldiers...
don't know if you intended that to be a comical vignette but it was a
great story. No fun to live through though--what pettiness gets poured
into the birth of a baby.

Sheesh. This morning our minister did a reading, a true anecdote from someone
whose father, an electrician, went on a charity call to a house where they had a
branch stuck in a vase, only ornaments made by the 5 children, serious poverty.
They sang for him to thank him and a 5-year-old asked if he had children. The
electrician said, 3 daughter, and the boy went and got 3 peanuts out of the brown
bag (a few candies and some peanuts in the shell) that were his sole gift. He said
take these, now they'll have something for Christmas.

I was all ready to hear that the story ended that he went home and told his fortunate
family about the other family and they immediately gave up half their gifts and took
them over there. But no, they sprayed the 3 peanuts with gold paint and used them
on the tree for years.

Kind of creeped me out.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2010, 02:46:12 PM »
Hops, I love the way your mind works!  Yes, we used humor for years to cover our anger and depression, loss and grief   Ho Ho Ho!


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2010, 03:33:21 PM »

What a story.  Your lying mother telling everyone you wanted money, and would not be giving any gifts.

Wasn't it awkward for her, and them, when you handed out your presents.

And Hops..... about the spray painted peanuts on the tree.




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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2010, 08:14:25 PM »
Hey Baddaughter, I related to everything in your post. Yes, it felt like a "hostage experience." I, too, was not allowed to touch the tree. In my case it was my N mother. Not only were we not allowed to touch the tree, but were also forbidden from touching her meticulously perfect arrangement of the gifts under the tree.

Christmas seems to be the most important day in an N's year. That's THEIR day to control the entire family, to create triangulation through the gifts they buy, the seating at the table, you name it. My NM places a ridiculous level of importance on the number of gifts under the tree every year. Instead of buying everybody ONE nice gift, she would instead buy a hundred useless items from the dollar store so that there would be gifts stacked (literally) to the ceiling. She would send photos of the tree and the obscene amount of gifts to everyone in her family to show what a perfect Christmas she had, what a perfect mother she was, yada yada. In fact, my decision to go NC came during a particularly bad Christmas.

One Christmas hubby and I had just moved into a new house. It was a very small house, and we were having to downsize. That year I asked NM if we could be given gift cards instead of "stuff," as we really needed the money, and did NOT need more stuff, not having any closet space to store it. She came completely unhinged. She put the phone down and started crying and screaming to my Co-father, "Kathy is ruining MY Christmas. Help me! What do I do? She's ruining MY Christmas. Waaaaaaaaaaaa." I finally hung up on her. Game over. She followed that up with several nasty letters reinforcing that I had ruined HER Christmas by not wanting presents, that the tree didn't look as good, I embarrassed her in front of everyone, bla bla. Ever since, she has turned up the heat during the holiday season to make me pay for what I did, so like most of us on this board, Christmas sucks for me too. I've reached the point where I now know what to expect, and how to deal with it, but man . . . isn't it something how these people are able to use Christmas as a tool of manipulation, and if need be, a weapon?

I doubt that any children of Ns have any happy Christmas memories. I sure don't.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 08:29:42 PM by JustKathy »


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2010, 09:24:48 AM »
My happy childhood memories of Christmas have nothing to do with NM, which of course comes as no surprise.  They all stem from my interaction with my paternal grandparents and that extended family.  When I think of the happy times I always think of them.  :D


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2010, 04:03:46 PM »
My first thoughts always of childhood Christmas are me standing at the doorway to the living room where I can see my brothers tearing open presents, and me feeling unable to move, or even step into the room. “Come on… look Santa came!” I’m standing there frozen until dad says: “Look here’s one with your name on it. Come open it!” I went to him, took it, he bid me to sit down and open it.  I did, slowly, sheepishly open it. He coaxed me to open more. I remember my brothers being long finished opening theirs and playing with their toys before I ever finished. I shamefully took my belongings to my room; I had nothing my brothers were interested in.

Most games, etc. that were meant to share, went to my brothers room as he was the oldest. They shared a room; I usually never saw the games again. “No girls allowed”.

Now mind you, I was not always an innocent. I also remember one year when we were given a couple of dollars to buy each other presents. I had some change left over and bought myself something like a candy bracelet, NM caught me with it, and I received all kinds of hell for spending some of that money on myself. She let me know I didn’t deserve anything for Christmas. I was selfish. She let me know that I was greedy, and that if I had some change left over I should have bought her a pack of gum or something, after all she has done for me.

Struggling with my memories of anything about childhood Christmas the last few days, I finally remembered another. I was still young enough that I believed in Santa. My older brother practically made me snoop in NM’s closet, he told me there was no Santa, and that’s where she hid our presents. I was frightened to go into her room, let alone her closet.  I still remember him opening bags, he handed me one that he said was mine I remember peering into the bag afraid to touch it.

I can’t seem to remember much more about it. Except later lots of yelling, (probably spanking), and that there would be no Christmas for us. I’m sure I took the brunt of it as usual. I think there were a few gifts from aunts and uncles. Just judging from other childhood experiences, I’m sure my sicko brother put the blame on me.

There are a few other later crappy memories, not worth mentioning. BUT, the big stand out memory of all is if I wanted something for Christmas, never ever – EVER tell anyone, because if I did it would be guaranteed that I would NEVER EVER, EVER get it.

I would not tell aunts, uncles or anyone what I hoped for. I remember always wanting a guitar, I knew that just maybe; if I never told anyone that I might accidentally get one.

Somehow in the middle of the year, when I was in my mid twenties, I was blessed with an old used guitar. And somehow after losing everything that I owned several times in my life, that guitar is in my closet right now. My dad gave it to me. :)

This was a hard exercise for my brain.
Lost Kitten

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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2010, 04:37:01 PM »

A huge, massive, enormous hug for you.  I buy Christmas presents for my son and no-one else.  We make bits and pieces - like peppermint creams and coconut mice - and give them to people that we see over Christmas.  Christmas, for many, is a truly narcissistic experience.  For those celebrating for religious reasons it has a very deep and profound meaning, but for many it's a competition to see who spends the most, who gets the most, who works the hardest and so on.

We're on a low income, so my Christmas present to myself is to stock the freezer up with really nice ready made food so that I don't have to cook for a few days.  I buy my boy some bits and pieces, quite often from charity shops rather than new, and we just have a nice day hanging out at home together.  Some of my friends are kind enough to buy us gifts, because they like to give - they don't expect anything back and respect my decision to spend my money on my son rather than on them and their children.  If I had a lot of money I would happily buy people presents all the time, but it's sensible to make sure your basic needs are met first.

Interestingly, my t has been working with me on our reactions as child, as parent and as adult.  I was talking to her about my approach to Christmas and she loved it; she said it was the adult in me making sure our bills were paid and not spending money we don't have.  The child bit is needing the approval and permission of others to make those choices.  I don't feel like I need other people's approval now.

On the subject of N Mum at Christmas - the second to last Christmas gift I received from my mum (several years ago now) was in a beautifully made crafted gift bag.  It was embroidered, very festive and quite small - the sort of bag that you would expect to hold some jewellery or a nice silk scarf, you know, something special.  It contained a three pack of ankle socks, still with the price on at £2.99.  My two younger sisters (when I say younger I'm talking twenties, not children) generally received about £100 worth of presents, my older sister got about £20 and I came in last that Christmas because I was the one who had displeased her the most that year.

Do you know what, Mum?  You can kiss my a***!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas to you, Biddy.  Buy yourself something beautiful that makes you feel cherished and special - and enjoy it!! xx


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2010, 07:25:46 PM »
It contained a three pack of ankle socks, still with the price on at £2.99.

OMG! My NM also uses socks as a "statement gift." One year really stands out, when she sent the annual box of Christmas gloom, er, gifts. Almost all of the presents were for my husband, mostly nice items, gift cards and such. I got two presents, beautifully wrapped. Each contained . . . you guessed it . . . a pair of socks with the price tag still attached.  :roll:


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2010, 01:26:00 AM »
It contained a three pack of ankle socks, still with the price on at £2.99.

OMG! My NM also uses socks as a "statement gift." One year really stands out, when she sent the annual box of Christmas gloom, er, gifts. Almost all of the presents were for my husband, mostly nice items, gift cards and such. I got two presents, beautifully wrapped. Each contained . . . you guessed it . . . a pair of socks with the price tag still attached.  :roll:

Arrggghhh they're so odd!  Notice how the wrapping is beautiful - so anyone seeing it will think it must be lovely but inside ................................!  Still, socks are a handy thing to have and can be used as hand puppets and dusters if you don't want to use them as socks ;)  This Chrismas I will be receiving the gift of silence from my dear family - priceless! xx


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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2010, 07:25:39 AM »
My mom doesn't even go through the motions anymore. No gift; no card - and she called me on my birthday just to talk about herself... didn't even mention that it was my birthday.

But lord - I dare not forget her birthday or christmas!!

My GC brother used to buy me books - every year; books - but he never bothered to send them, until the next July. Now, even that has stopped... I guess because he has no idea what my address is; he only calls me on the cell - even though I've sent him my contact information several times.
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Re: Secret Santa & Other Horrors
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2010, 01:02:19 PM »
Biddy, sorry! It just occurred to me I TOTALLY highjacked your thread to do a seNd-up ceremony...completely OT though it was fun.

I'm going to move it over to my Hobug thread.

(Sorry! That's what happens when I get near a podium...lose all control...)  :D

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."