Hey everyone!
I've posted a couple of times about my sister and her family in the last couple of months. Out and out war has been declared, it is all getting crazier by the day and I reckon just about every kind of dysfunction you can think of is popping up now. I made a run for it!
I've told all of them that I don't want to get involved but I love them the same as I did before all this started and they're welcome in my home if they want to visit. I'm keeping in touch via the odd text or email but I'm not really spending time with any of them and the times I see my sister I'm keeping fairly short.
The reason I thought I would post about it is because I feel fine about it! I don't seem to have the huge sense of responsibility that I normally do in situations like this. I'm not worrying about who's right and who's wrong, making sure everyone feels they're being listened to, doing the right thing by all of them and making sure they all feel loved and supported. I'm putting me first and it actually feels - normal? I think this is a good sign, yes? I used to worry this sort of behaviour on my part was selfish, but now I just think it's okay to do. I'm feeling quite chuffed about it!