Author Topic: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?  (Read 2068 times)

Redhead Erin

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A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« on: January 04, 2011, 11:42:01 AM »
I'm still struggling with my diet and for control of my weight and body.  I have a new book that suggests I consider what food means to me. 

Hell, I don't know.  I am working on putting a finger on it, but it's a slippery issue.

One thing I do, that baffles me, is I hide with my food.  Yep, 41 years old and I take good stuff (forbidden food) and hide with it.  I cannot let anybody know I have it.  If anybody knows I have it, it ruins the enjoyment of it for me. If anybody asks me for it, I get really angry and, instead of sharing, I give them the whole thing. 

Does anybody else do this?  Why?  What does it mean?

I have noticed I do this more when I am feeling sick, overwhelmed, or really, really emotionally distraught.  I have been better since listening to self-hypnosis tapes, but since I have been hovering 10 pounds above my goal weight for more than a year, Obviously I still don't have control over this.

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Re: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 12:49:50 PM »
Food is often associated with primal issues.  It is linked to basic nurturing and survival and can be very, very difficult to connect to because the development of the issues may have begun at a pre-conscious phase of life.

I, for one, love using EFT.  Are you familiar with that technique?  It may or may not appeal to you.

I hope that as you work on getting to the source of this issue that one of the steps you will include is a regular reminder that what ever the source it is not because of anything deficient in you.  Be kind to yourself in this search and make a part of the process a concerted step in self-nurture.


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Re: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 09:03:36 PM »
Actually, yeah, I can relate to just about all that, in various degrees.
I have so many quirky food obsessive stuff.  Like finishing things up, I mean the tinyest morsel can be a focus of intent with me, more than a plateful of dinner.   I hate to get caught eating something when I was expecting to be alone.  In a restuarant if they take the plate away too soon, I get so disturbed I get a tummy ache. 

I noticed recently too that I've been finding it difficult to fall asleep at night when I should be falling asleep, and sleep is troubled and unpeaceful, until the alarm goes off, and from there, when I should'nt be sleeping, sleep gets really peaceful and attractive.  so, all quite mad  :?

... as for what it means.... ummm something about privacy/ not being entitled to nourish oneself/ only feeling safe outside of the norm/ ... umm,m that'd be some of my guesses.  I've never really had a good share with someone about these strange compulsions I have. 


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Re: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 11:28:51 PM »
check out the book called the mother factor by dr. stephan poulter - he devotes an entire chapter to the meaning of food.......


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Re: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2011, 01:01:40 PM »
Food issues. Oh, yes. I hide food. I don't like for people to see me eat anything in the slightest bit sugary, greasy or otherwise not entirely healthy/nutritious.

Oral stuff. Reminds me of babies and their need to explore and experience life orally. Safety is in a pacifier or sucking a thumb, etc. Survival is in getting to suckle. Comfort associated with safety and survival.

When you eat the food your hide, do you taste it or is the lure the ability to have something good? I don't taste most of the food I hide. It never satisfies me. I always want more.

I'd forgotten about the chapter in Mother Factor about food. A good book.

Redhead Erin

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Re: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2011, 10:41:09 AM »
strangely, I don't taste the food so much as feel it.  I get really into the texture of things.  The way a cookie crumbles in my mouth, the way a piece of chocolate melts. I have never been able to taste things well, except occasionally.  I always thought some of this had to do with having been multiple for so long.  Some personalities frankly didn't care about food (it's just fuel, you know?) and two of them had eating disorders. the first thing I myself ever tasted was oregano on a pizza (Which I was sneaking, come to think of it) when I was chronologically about 21 years old.

I think there is something to be said for the privacy issue.  Privacy is on e thing my NM jsut does not under stand.  S


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Re: A strange food issue--Does anyone else do this?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2011, 03:40:27 PM »

   I think there is something to be said for the privacy issue.  Privacy is on e thing my NM jsut does not under stand.  S

Thats part of Nism, they dont know that others are separate beings or need to be allowed to be separate.   
Im gonna have to deal with this privacy thing with eating because I've got someon comming to stay.  Not sure how I'lll do that.   :?   But I feel I need to grow and to spend less time alone. 
