I said yes to a volunteer event that I should have said NO for, I didn't think it through, and when I say Yes usually more interesting things end up happening, this time though I'm annoyed that the originator of the idea is going to devote no time working on this project ( an idea that I think has a pointless outcome ).....Whatever.
It's going to be another one of those "Doing less than I am Capable Of" Experiences....the flip side is I could be capable of more....but again where are the other people who all want to take credit for this project....where are their capable hands? So I just do my little part---as befits me and not make my part larger then life....I'm just one working for nothing volunteer...on a project that my heart is not into....well actually it pisses me off a little. Geesh....just another thing to get through. I can DO IT.
I burden myself with believing I have a lot of responsibility even when I don't. The other areas of my life need to be nurtured also.
Really I should look at it this way, this is a lame gig, the director should be happy to have anyone doing it because she really just needs it to happen, and I'm going to be there all night interfacing with people in theory.....that in its self is a big STRETCH for my personality.
I have blue ink under my nails. I seem like a flake (I think). And I'm distracted.
The Do- Know is telling me to keep doing constructive things even if I don't get paid for them or the outcome is yet to be seen or if I am cynical...the Do-Know tells me to keep on....communicating and living the best I can.
The Do-know....
Oh hey, My beans "for the community"....so one bean per person....get yer knife and fork....well they popped up this morning!!!!!
The most blessed event that happened to me all day was seeing the little bean plants coming up through the dirt.
Then I got to tell a bible thumper who was trying to start a conversation with me while I was having a conversation with my N-mother via my phone--- to sort of tell her what I thought.
(Gosh that's a big toss up....who do I talk with... Nar-mother or Religious Fanatic

I had to tell her three times "I'm on the phone and having a conversation".. then I said "Good bye" to her face.....before she would go away and she was trying to shove literature into my hand but I wouldn't grab it....then when I got off the phone she came up to me again and was still trying to give me the religious brochures.... I told her that I thought she was being rude, I told her that I was having an important conversation...
She told me that her brochure was very important too.....I said "it's not important to me, maybe it is to you".... I got that last part from a therapist I'm certain somehow that last bit came from therapy somehow.
I would describe these people as having an internal dialogue about their religious beliefs that is so pervasive and overpowering that they can not hear other people at all. I could see it in her face that no matter what I said she had an internal come-back to my every NO. Oh well.
NO, NO, No, NO, NO....IS a GREAT word .
Anyways, it was my weird moment of the day of practicing voicefulness, I told her how I felt, that it was rude for her to interupt me and try to stick stuff in my hands. I still felt uncomfortable having that conversation....I started to feel like the people around us were starting to pay attention even though both of our voices were still normal talking voice I guess I was obviously uncomfortable with her...because she wasn't going to take "NO to her religious group" for an answer. But I still said NO and I didn't take her paper.
It's really little things that are assertiveness experiences...weird but telling an aggressive bible thumping woman "NO" is enough to make my heart race..and that's a pretty mild "conflict" really.
Think the hard thing about the assertiveness is not just the words that are spoken but it's the physical sensations that go along with having to say NO or to express displeasure to someone. Because no-one is ever going to be receptive to negative feedback...or displeasure...