Collusion as self-defense and ...mythological remembered glory
both hit home for me. The paranoia that someone will "take the N for a ride" or "get one over on them"... sigh... I'm so used to this in both Bro & BioNic mom that I hardly notice it anymore; just take it for granted that it's part of their relationship-style with everyone who's not themselves. And I think it's a big part of why I second-guess myself ad infinitum while trying to make decisions that involve any risk... 'coz "what if" they were right? I'd never live it down - the "I told you so's... the life-long memory of a mistake... and the complete and total definition of who I am, with an association with that memory of "you ALWAYS...."
This paranoia is a lot of "fun" [sarcasm], when trying to run a business.
Yes, hops... both of them paint rosy, idealistic pictures of the past glory of many things. In addition to that, I think the black/white nature of their thought-patterns doesn't allow for any "relativity of value". By relativity, I mean the scale & intangible value of things - relationships - people. They wouldn't understand the difference in intangible value between a Vera Wang, red silk sheath that fit my particular body perfectly - and one I could get at a discount store... for hundreds less. To them, there is no difference in "absolute" value of the two dresses themselves... and only the price tag matters. That might not be the best example, but my excuse is that this topic is churning up a lot of "stuff" for me, right now.
In some ways, I think this type of thought-pattern is how they manufacture their own unhappiness and justify being such jerks, mostly through a passive-aggressive interaction style. The B&W thought process puts them in direct constant conflict with people and processes that aren't B&W.
The collusion as self-defense or survival skill... is "coping", to me. If you have to interact with these people, it's essential and critical, that you "connect" with them - at whatever level they are at. I go to "their world" - their perspective, world-view, etc - and try to work things out there... hopefully bringing back a result to "this" world that is functional, at least. I try not to (can't help it, a lot of times) force my world-view or reality on them... force them to come to "my world"**, in other words. This is where the conflict is; it's their nuclear-meltdown, trigger-button. Those forays into "enemy territory" leave me feeling like I need a sauna to get the crap out of my pores. Because I have to be devious, deceptive, invisibly manipulative. I hate doing this, even though I have a fair amount of skill now, at it. It is taxing to my patience (maybe that's why I was labelled "always impatient") to spend months and years, trying to get a simple decision, decided. Simple in my world, that is. You'd think their whole self-image was on the line, at risk of blowing up, because of these simple decisions.
It does not compute to them: you're allowed to be wrong, make a mistake, or change your mind later on, about this decision. Because of the "absolute" - once & for all, forever - nature of B & W thought-patterns. Situational value simply doesn't exist, nor a scale - continuum - of importance. A little mistake is equally as devastating as a big one. And just as "forever".
And woe to you, if you express your consternation, irritation, anger, or even tell them that they're making you crazy and not facing facts of reality. Never ever tell them they're wrong... or that their idea or paranoia makes absolutely no sense. They know everything about everything and are "always right". And there's always some horrible disaster waiting, if you don't "do it their way".
The thing is: it's exactly this characteristic that makes them vulnerable to scams, to being taken advantage of, to being used and manipulated. I saw that happen to N-boss, with the man he reported to.... over & over. N-boss got used as a "front" to protect and deflect responsibility/blame from his superior; N-boss deflected also and made sure someone else (who was ordered to do X - or else) paid consequences and was blamed. And with some of us, he wasn't able to order us around without at least an argument; I got immense perverse pleasure out of calmly telling him NO - to one of his more frivolous and insane requests of me.
After observing this and other characteristics for a couple years, it dawned on me. These people are only as powerful as we let them be. They are only as hurtful and frustrating as we let them be. The fact is they have almost NO power -
except the delusion of power - because they are non-functional (beyond dysfunctional) in the shared reality of normal people. It is still a very painful (excruciatingly patience taxing) process to venture into their world - decode their crazy-making ideas - and slowly but surely guide them to something close to being a win-win or acceptable decision that allows normal things to happen, somewhat normally.
Lighter:I made a couple of mostly-conscious decisions as I "graduated" from therapy that might help you come to grips with whatever is connected to your original questions about collusion. One: I'm really bored & tired of trying to find a way to live where I don't run into these kinds of people. It's a time-consuming attempt that restricts me and my life so much... that it can hardly be called "living". There just isn't a rock big enough to hide under, you know? Related to that - it's also exhausting trying to figure out if new people (not my foo) are Ns... or deciding where they fall on the continuum. That bit of information doesn't do me any good, anyway.
I'd decided to stick with my job and "study" my N-boss and learn what I could about defending myself from outrage, crazy-making, insanity. So I kept my job 2 years longer than my T thought I should. Yes, it was a masochistic way to go about it...
but it paid off, because I learned to manage that kind of stress, better than before. There were definitely days I wasn't sure if the benefits outweighted the costs... but now, I'm glad I did that.
In my case - with the family business - I have no choice about being NC. So I have other strategies that help. At the beginnning of the estate process, I made the mistake of thinking that my brother had changed; that he'd learned another way to be himself; that he'd matured. After all, he's past 50 now. I was horrified to find out that I wrong about that. And I decided I couldn't just "run away" from dealing with bro without giving up what was rightfully mine. So I decided to stick it out; fight when I had to and figure out a way to do this without injuring - rewounding - myself over & over. I'm still workin' on that! ;D But, I'm not alone anymore in that struggle - because it's plain as day to other people "how he is" and they are helping me "get things done". I don't need to co-opt them as "allies"... they've already figured it out... and as inhabitants of the same "reality" as myself, we already share some of the same goals. We don't directly discuss this - it would be like discussing someone's mental retardation and rude/unfair - through an implicit agreement.
I decided that "it's a fact of life" - part of my reality - that these people exist and that at times, I'm going to have to interact with them. I decided, that I'd better learn how to do that AND protect myself. It's not worth the time & effort required to try to change the N's in my life. It's understandable that part of me is always going to wish I could - but I've been reminding that part of me that the probability of this happening is close to zero. I'm still very much learning how to do this - and also, when to drop the defenses, the boundary vigilance, the "discretion is the better part of valor" habit of keeping my mouth shut - voicelessness - when the people I'm interacting with are NOT like this.
And this is even harder than "the devil I know". I am so used to that devil... that my skills at developing new friendships, creating and maintaining intimacy within existing relationships... has been neglected. I still intentionally mystify and keep people at arm's length, like I'm totally ashamed of myself. I am still trying to answer the basic questions from the beginning of therapy: what do I want? what do I like? what can I do for "fun"?
** Long story short - I gave up; stopped; maybe even forgot how - to "invite" people into my "world". I let myself be convinced that no one wanted to - or could - share that. I have a hard time believing - accepting - that people do LIKE me. It still scares the crap out of me.... unless they've been through something like what we share here. That was why my MIL was a such a miracle, for me. She'd never experienced anything like this; the bits I told her were like her soap-opera stories - something that she couldn't really understand about why people "are like that". Something not "real". I wish!
At the moment - and I don't know if this state is related to it or not - I'm having a real struggle with "saying things" without feeling like I'm in danger of invoking the N-monster response or like I'm being too blunt, tactless, direct, too personal... there is always a critic sitting on my shoulder; the political correctness cop - or the fear that "I shouldn't say that" because I'm not allowed to. And this isn't the productive kind of "self-consciousness"... so I'll take that discussion somewhere else.
And forgive me for babbling on & on here... why is it, it takes so many words when I'm so worried about how my words will be received???