Thanks, PR...actually I don't want to engage him or look for his own chinks -- it really is too dangerous and I am too tired and he does exceed my skills. Not only is he a smart, charming N, but he had 20+ years of training from a guru in manipulating (on top of the garden-variety Nskills at that). Nope, I do not want to engage or fancy myself a sly combatant with him. I will lose. Already have, in most of the ways that matter. I am not exhilarated by the thought of outwitting him. Though sometimes I do based on raw skills (I see a lot about the zeitgeist and about consumers and the demographic that he misses, since he fundamentally isn't interested in who people are. And that's useful) -- it's not helpful. (Again, he resents that I give what is needed so ... ehhh, it's gotta be boring hearing me go on about this.)
He senses whenever I withdraw...the next thing, predictable as rain, is that he gushes insincere praise for me in front of a third party (always an outsider, never the men on the board). Once he said, "oh, I forgot to give you praise for that" and I thought, eeeek, does that sound like the mechanistic interactions of a guru, or what? Ewwww. Squick.
Thanks, Guest. I am beginning to assert rights in small ways, the main one being I simply state that I am taking a walk break, and for 20 minutes a day, I leave the premises. (Drive down the road to walk down an empty lane. Sometimes that's depressing it's more isolation...but the walk does help.) And today, I meditated in the bathroom for 5 minutes.
I have battled overtime from the get-go, and will not give away the time any more. Fortunately, the nicest coworker, who manages the calendar, has some similar feelings. Even 40 hours of this, though, feels like 80.
I'll be better in future. Once I'm through the losing-home and moving bit, and no longer swimming in fear: where will I go, how bleak will it be? I'll be okay I think. Not okay enough to look forward to not having to work like this, but okay in a place.
As to swiping a little time on the Net or having a snack? Every day.