hiya All,
So J. at my lawyer's office works late and last night sent me a notice, that my lawyer had submitted an amount-- I cannot know the amount, Joanne is not allowed to mention,...fair enough, but she can mention the Insurance Co's return offer. I was insulted. I was awake all last night thinking things over and over and said to myself--"OK it's TWO years so I will double their offer."....and that felt fair to me....but I don't know my lawyer's opinion, yet!
(doubled the offer) I did so sometime early in the AM and Joanne sent a smiley face...not being about to talk ...wonder why?... it's MY CASE... but on the phone I asked if the smiley face meant that I was on the right track and she said yes! I see now that lawyers know best.
That raises a question, outside of my case. How can we ever put a monetary value on anyone's life? Wow! I wouldn't want that responsibility, and yet I have to for myself, but I have my lawyer to guide me.
My return figure had to be in, in 7 days, but as I said in an email to Joanne, 2 of those F****ing days were the weekend. I mean... How fair can one not be?
As well, if we all don't agree in 30 days, they bring in a defence lawyer (the Insurance Co.). Well hell!!!!! What does a new lawyer know about all that has happened in 2 years? The whole thiing is nuts, but I am still keeping the faith in Joanne and my lawyer!
Maybe for our Birthday, Hops?
EDIT: and about alternative medical help, if this is settled then I aM TOTALLY FREE TO PURSUE ANY ANVENUE I WISH, WITHOUT MESSNG UP My CASE!!!! (darned Caps, my reply window is jumping up and down again....anyone else's?