Author Topic: Narcissist mom in The fighter (spoilers)  (Read 3524 times)


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Narcissist mom in The fighter (spoilers)
« on: March 14, 2011, 06:52:45 PM »
Anyone seen this movie? It's interesting how narcissistic moms are starting to be portrayed in films.

When my boyfriend and I were watching this, he kept poking me and said "Sound familiar?"  I laughed, because it was true.
The guilting "I've done so much for you!"
the mom using her son's talents to make her look good.  The mom wants to be the manager and is concerned about how it affects her.
 the boxer Micky Ward desperately wanting to be cared for and going along with the destructive things his family is doing.
The n mom saying that she loves micky and is doing what's best for him, but screws him over in the end
When micky gets hurt badly, the mom doesn't care and acts dismissive
the N mom throwing a rage when she doesn't get her way and can't be in control
The N mom controlling all of her kids and plotting them against each other
The N mom infantilizing and glossing over her oldest son's mistakes
The sense of entitlement and the "How dare you talk to me like this?"

Finally, the boxer's girlfriend shows him the reality of what his selfish family is doing.  She helps him choose a better option that will help him build his confidence.  The mom feels threatened by the girlfriend, but the girlfriend stands up to the mom.   The mom knows the girlfriend is encouraging her son to sway away from N mom's control.  It seems that all of the other adult siblings are living at home and still under mom's control.

My friend, who was with us, said "The mom is awful in that movie!" It was inteesting to see how my friend picked it up so clearly. I'm so used to people in the past not seeing what my mom was doing. 

It's a breath of fresh air to see narcissism portrayed in movies. Anyone see the movie?


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Re: Narcissist mom in The fighter (spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 01:05:06 AM »
thanks for bringing this up! i have not seen this movie, but did see BLACK SWAN where the mother has some very serious issues about having to give up her life (and career) to raise the child who then goes on to be the prima ballerina, but with many devastating issues. if i remember correctly, THE TURNING POINT and TERMS OF ENDEARMENT both had N mothers, and several were very destructive. also, of course MOMMY DEAREST is the worst N mother movie of all time.

i am a script consultant for hollywood studios/networks for several years, so movies and tv were always my thing.  i do hope they (studios and writers) continue to tell these stories, but really understand the characters they are writing, not just taking an N out of a psych textbook...they have a lot of value and can be riveting characters and of course, its a chance for the GQ public to learn more about Nism, which benefits us all.


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Re: Narcissist mom in The fighter (spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 08:24:12 AM »
A couple more that'll send chills up spines in recognition:

There Will Be Blood

No Country for Old Men

Almost forgot! One I absolutely won't let kids watch because it horrified me so badly - Pan's Labrynth. I so identified with the little girl in that movie...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 08:25:48 AM by PhoenixRising »
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