Thanks, tt - I know we all have different experiences; and I so value the validation of the common aspects that run through all of them. You've always helped me expand my thinking beyond the personal... to the more objective. That's important to me!! (so, don't stop...OK???)
Guest: my bro & I are 50-50 owners of several businesses; unless we have agreement between the two of us... nothing happens... I make my suggestions/proposals to him; he says no - or says he'll think about it - and MAYBE a year later, I can push him to decide (that's the P-A version of a "no")... and it IS personal; bro has no business experience - so he only sees and understands that it's his idea of "me" - his sister asking... and so I'm effectively held hostage; not able to do what needs to be done (he's totally unengaged with the business tasks and it's a hugely tedious, long, and often unsatisfying effort to get his attention and make him understand what is going on; what the decision is; and what is in his own best interest even... sigh.) Bro does not relate to me with the civility or respect normally shown a business associate; he always takes the conversation to a personal level... and when I don't "bite" and play the game... it's back to his P-A stalling strategy. And it's not just me that's treated this way - it's the CPA, the corp lawyer, and my Dad's estate trustee.
My whole financial existence depends on a person with a loooonnnggg history of this type of emotional abuse, with me as the target. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, when we entered into this arrangement... thinking that in 30-40 years he'd learned some things in life; changed; even maybe figured out what reality is... but I see more evidence to the contrary than evidence in favor of that view. He doesn't know, that he doesn't know - who I am now. I don't know if you were around on the board, when I was telling that part of the story. It was a few years ago.
It really is more, than just caring what he thinks about me. I can let that roll off, with a few deep breaths and a gulp to get rid of the lump in my throat. It is vital - and legally defined - that certain things must happen, for the welfare of the company. It is a fact, that both of our personal financial "well-beings" depends of the well-being of the companies and appropriate decisions made in a timely fashion. Bro has currently put me in a position - through his lack of understanding & engagement & value of the importance of being engaged in business - where my well-being is threatened; I am held hostage through his delays, stalling and refusal to discuss - much less negotiate and compromise. I have been patient; I have explained; I have reasoned in a calm, rational fashion and not gotten personal with him. This is a stalemate; in business terms: a deadlock. And I have legal rights in the this circumstance... which is sort of a extreme, NC version of a "solution".
Of course, GS & all -
of course I was shamed & punished. How dare I even think of myself, my self-interest, taking care of me or even daring to want to accepted, recognized as a person with feelings, thoughts, and perspective that just might be different from theirs? I'm supposed to sacrifice all, to take care of MomBro - no matter how inappropriate, or what it costs me, personally. That kind of boundary never existed for me, in the context of MomBro - with either one. If I DARED to draw those lines, I was the person being unfair; I was the selfish greedy one. I was the crazy, delusional, over-reaching, controlling one. And if I died, in the course of attempting to do that - OH WELL. That's how I much I matter to them. I am a tool - in more ways than one.
So I am "fair" with them - at my own expense; in reality OVER fair... or I feel guilty. Simultaneously, my survival instinct - that protective, fearless warrior self - is telling me I'm an idiot; she's angry because she knows that each instance of being involved with them ends the same way... I get run over. And yeah, she "punishes" and "shames" me, for not standing up for myself and saying in no uncertain terms: ENOUGH of this shit. And then, follow through on what will end this agony & misery once and for all - NC.
That is the double bind; I'm damned if I throw myself in front of the bus - again; my survival instinct has always taken her anger out on me - kicking myself is the least of it. I'm damned if I finally do take the route of protecting myself from these people, once and for all - in all ways. Unless I stop feeling guilty and punishing myself for taking care of myself; protecting myself; surviving. And this is the double-bind that exists within ME... the precarious terms of my own existence with myself.
Guest's pure and simple "me first" way of viewing herself is a goal I have; it's still alien to me - an acquired way of looking at myself. I've had to work really, really hard to even get to the point where I can allow my to have fun, relax, and simply "be". This current "crisis" has set me back, a bit.
Those are the two ends of the stick; the dilemma. Y'all know I'm a big fan of the "middle way"... through these kinds of things. I'm not entirely sure that there is one this time. Hubs does not believe me about bro and how he is. Hubs thinks he can be made to understand what his role and responsibilities are; be made to decide, compromise and negotiate in a non-personal fashion in a reasonable timeframe. He's welcome to try... and because I value hubs and his take on things, I'm agreeing to participate in this.
I'm also agreeing because I understand the risks of the legal UNentanglement with bro. It is very scary - but perhaps not as scary as I think; I need more information. Hubs' is naturally frightened of those risks as well. He can't imagine a world in which he couldn't talk to and reason with, his sibs; nor where his sibs would be that uncooperative or uncaring. Neither could MIL. So of course, he can't possibly "believe me" -- it's beyond his comprehension that people could be the way MomBro is. He does have a lot of experience with milder versions of some of the same behaviors... so I'm willing to patiently go through the steps of what he's suggesting... and see what happens.
But hey - go figure - he was telling me this morning, that I'm "too emotional"!!!!! For someone who couldn't remember to put "happiness" on a list of positive emotions... I guess that's progress, huh? Maybe he means, I'm too fearful - I have to agree, in that case.
Y'all know I'm a champion of the (maybe naive) idea that it's possible to "train" oneself to deal with Ns - PD others that we encounter in this life. I wasn't exactly thinking my first challenge would be of this magnitude... but what the hell? At least the stakes are high enough - my self-respect, personal comfort zone and financial life - that I might as well dive in.