Is it when dawn breaks in a specific place? Coz I was up at dawn here, and nothing that I can see has really changed - including me!
Or am I one of the "Left Behind", because my mom was right about me after all? Maybe I should've had one less glass of wine last night...
OH BTW, Boat - you'd like what we did last night. We went to a thankyou dinner for contributors to a rebuilt fishing pier, that is now part of our state's aquariums. We sponsored some memorials for the "good parents" that we've lost who all loved the beach, ocean and fishing. It's considered to be one of the longest piers in the country and built to withstand the storms we get from time to time. The end of the pier is 1000 ft out in the deep water of the atlantic - and when you look back, you realize how far it is to the breakers. They'll have all kinds of educational & conservation type programs for kids - part of the aquarium's mission - and they've designed it with a family focus: kids have learned to fish from piers here for years. So there is a lot of local history involved, too. It all started when fishermen realized that the fishing was great around the hulk of a shipwreck, in the 1920s...
... and it's a public space... beautiful Pier House building with a view I don't think I've seen anywhere else on this coast (yet)... 3 wind turbines that will generate 80% of the facilities electric needs, in season... and they're up for the architectural LEED certification for the design and building of the whole structure.
But, truly... the sense of being there is way more poetic; when you get to the end of the pier you're out where the fishing boats congregate to bring in massive hauls of fish following the gulf stream and the dophins play UNDER the pier - yet it's built so simply and is so strong, the proportions of height, width and length just right... to feel as if you're on a solid rock finger of land that extends out in greeting to Mother Ocean. It's waaaay cool. I've never been so far out in the water without being on a boat - and that's an amazing sensation.