Author Topic: Pain + Avoidance --> self-abuse  (Read 7330 times)


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Re: Pain + Avoidance --> self-abuse
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2011, 10:09:30 AM »
So... one day this thought just popped into my head, that I had a "thinking/doing" self... and another almost, not quite separate - feeling/emotional/being self. Working with this, as I went about my life... I was finally able to see how much toxic shame had attached to this emotional "self".

How/why all that shame got attached to my poor little emotional self, doesn't really matter now. I've told that story 100 times, it feels like. Telling it, however, FEELS better these days; less "shameful"... because no; people don't recoil in horror and disgust of ME... only of what I lived through and the perpetrators. They understand much what I continue to deal with, because of entanglement with my FOO that doesn't look feasible to break apart through NC. Much as that is what I'd prefer.

[Back to the point, Amber.] Which is that the whole schema of self-harm; sabotage; smoking; etc that I want to permanently edit from as much as my life as makes sense (or is possible) for a human... is a way to avoid feeling the knee-jerk reaction of shame... simply because I FEEL _____. Pick a feeling, any feeling... any emotional intensity... normal or triggered. Any emotion at all brings with it some amount of shame in the mix. Even happy, positive feelings... and this really SUCKS. It does, however, explain why I have trouble allowing myself to play, enjoy things, and have fun.

The resistance I observe that wells up when denying myself a cigarette... is a deep desire to avoid FEELING, because of the attached kicker of the shame (perhaps this is what that other damn shoe, that keeps dropping, IS). Smoking is a substitute for filling a lot of other (healthier) needs; already established that. What is new, is noticing that this is the mechanism I use to avoid feeling... so I can avoid the possibility of that old shame.

Of course, thinking Amber can't believe how impossibly rediculous (or worse condemnation) this situation is. And that only serves up another flavor of shame... because I am both thinking/feeling Amber. I need some collaboration here between both Ambers, to crack apart this old association of any feeling with shame. Feeling Amber needs to let go the fear of shame, for having her feelings... and thinking Amber needs to work on ways to enable and support that letting go -- with kindness and understanding, instead of only more verbal/emotional abuse - excessive expectations, shaming, and criticism.

Thinking Amber needs to understand that being shamed for feeling, is also a form of emotional abuse -- it's like being slapped for breathing, because how can one not feel or not breathe? Thinking Amber is really good at identifying threats, deflecting them, neutralizing them... ANY potential threat... yet this part of me, is continuing the old old awful harm I suffered as a child in my FOO environment. Instead, it would make more sense... if thinking Amber protected feeling Amber, you know? Made it "safe" to feel... and recognized and neutralized the reflex shame response.

I know, I used to think that smoking was like putting a 10 ft pole between feeling Amber and people who had proved that hurting me was their main purpose in life. People who didn't have the word "sorry" in their vocabulary. People who didn't believe me, when I told them the truth. Stay back - I stink and can burn you. Boundary enforcement, to keep the bad out. But it was also used to keep the shame in -- don't look, it's too awful, you'll be sick - yuck.

It was also an "expression"... a way of getting the feelings outside of me -- without saying the words that brought shame, too. A multipurpose tool... and the added bonus was, that it somehow gave more energy to thinking Amber and quieted down feeling Amber (the pacifier effect).

The clue to all this, happened years ago. I was in-between therapy work. We'd taken a break and all confident in myself, I put together this CBT based toolkit and workbook to quit smoking. Signed up for the support group online... picked a quit date beginning my 2 week vacation. Had all the rewards and replacements all picked out...  I only lasted maybe 48 hours. I was so grouchy, angry, touchy I was arguing with hubs constantly. So we just stopped talking. Withdrew. Not having fun on vacation. I retreated under a blanket out on a quiet hammock... and cried in total misery. Alone and miserable and SHAMED - I didn't matter; my needs didn't matter... I realized that this was how I used to feel -- before I started smoking. And then I bought cigarettes to end the misery and save the remainder of vacation. That started the whole Twiggy discovery and exploration, back in therapy, for another few years.

And I wonder if now, using an emotional approach - permission to feel whatever (without criticism), ma'am! - permission to eat (healthy) when hungry, sit down and rest when tired, permission to enjoy being with friends and feeling happy without a 10 ft. pole -----   I might broker a truce between thinking/feeling Ambers... and just stop smoking. Paying attention ONLY to knowing those needs, and addressing them... and not substituting in the old camels. Not that I expect it to work without a lot of practice; that I'll get it right without having to redesign and refine... adjust... and thinking Amber is going to have to understand that failure IS an option... in the beginning... and I'll just repurpose the old 10 ft pole and run up my pirate flag for fun.

I'm not at all sure this is going to work... but hell, I've tried everything else!  :D
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Re: Pain + Avoidance --> self-abuse
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2011, 01:37:01 PM »
I think this is HUGE, Amber:

the whole schema of self-harm; sabotage; smoking; etc that I want to permanently edit from as much as my life as makes sense (or is possible) for a human... is a way to avoid feeling the knee-jerk reaction of shame... simply because I FEEL _____. Pick a feeling, any feeling... any emotional intensity... normal or triggered. Any emotion at all brings with it some amount of shame in the mix. Even happy, positive feelings... and this really SUCKS.

I love what you said about letting your thinking (adult, confident) self set about encouraging the feeling (shame-stuck) self that it IS okay to not be ashamed. It's okay to feel "clean happy".


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Re: Pain + Avoidance --> self-abuse
« Reply #47 on: August 07, 2011, 09:10:22 AM »
tt - thanks for that quote!! I like it so much, I'm going to use it as my tagline. I need reminding that failure is not fatal... and that success is only another step in a specific direction.

Hopsy, dear... yes, this is huge (for me). It's incredibly helpful, too.... there have been a number of "topics" that I've been working on - even though I was at the sky-high, immovable object, brick wall stage with it for so long - that start to crumble under this one simple personal truth: I was ashamed of my feelings. Period. All of them. Being a feeling creature... a sentient being.

I don't know yet, how this will impact those personal, self-work tasks I've set myself... but I'm working with a partner, off the board, and she's helped me get to this idea as we've simply chatted about our own work and thought about each other's situations and issues... that it's my "thinking" self heaping re-runs of the old crap on my "feeling" self... so that any emotion is always coupled with that old toxic shame (concatenated, even!**)... and that all my rationalizations and complex ideas are nothing but desperate attempts to avoid feeling that cocktail of crap. Thinking self isn't even aware of that... because it's so entertained by it's own babble, or pretty shiny objects, or whatever sensory input is directly in front of it at the moment.

Poor thinking self is such a parrot; and it's cursed with a memory that's as retrievable for content as you-tube. Nothing's ever archived to tape backup and removed from the server... sigh. Thinking self, is just the Watson part of me... powerful, yes... but it STILL needs to be told "what" it's supposed to be doing... instead of just spinning it's cycles through different processing algorhythms. And the "what" comes from "want"... and oh gee! THAT'S an answer only "feeling" self can provide...

Thinking self needs to f'in HEAR feeling self... and instead of putting her down or ignoring her, pay attention! Help, support, create ways to provide what feeling self needs. Simple to say. Perhaps not overly difficult to do... we'll see.

tt - I saw your concatenate post the other day, while all the raw materials for this one thought-idea were arranging themselves in my mind. In computer code, concatenated tables are joined with an "and" statement... not either/or, and not even "if then, else".
One of my bigger previous aha moments, was when I realized I was allowed be to an AND in myself... instead of always committed to a specific choice. Thinking AND Feeling = Integrated (whole, etc). And that this perfectly natural for me... my NORMAL.

I'm not entirely sure how the idea that thinking was better than feeling; or that thinking was safer than... was was more valued in society or ... whatever... got stuck in my head. Let's just say I was "dis-abused" of the idea that feelings were important AND that was the bane of my existence!!!!! How and why doesn't matter to me anymore. What matters is the "proper arrangement"... thinking self can advise and inform... but then, carry out the wishes and whims of feeling self... is created and maintained in a way that satisfies both of them. Sort of a "management re-organization".

I'm not sure exactly where I learned to do this thing I do -- I sure don't know what to call it! I have used the word "synthesize" to describe how I can see patterns in unrelated things and associate them in meaningful ways. When these kinds of moments come along where the patterns have been combined and have their own standalone meaning... I usually have to re-evaluate a whole lot of things... because my perspective been has shifted so much it both feels different and I think new things as a result of that one "new thing". It definitely feels "good" to do/be/feel something different.  :)    AND, I'm noticing there seem to be a lot of moments that could be filled with feelings... instead of just being on my way to the "next thing".

I seem to vaguely recall the idea that all the answers we ever really want or need are all around us, in life.... if only we open our ears to hear, our eyes to see, our minds to think... our hearts to feel. So when I see those patterns in places I wasn't really looking for them... I start to think... and feel... and think with my feelings... and feel what's missing, out of place, or "not working" in my thinking.
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Re: Pain + Avoidance --> self-abuse
« Reply #48 on: August 07, 2011, 09:28:57 AM »
If this makes sense, it's what pops:

Don't program yourself.

Love yourself.

(Meaning, feel that. Encourage that.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Pain + Avoidance --> self-abuse
« Reply #49 on: August 07, 2011, 10:04:18 AM »
Indeed, Hops... just so.

AND... stop fearing the shame-reaction... because I already know it so well, having lived with it all my life - how can it hurt me further? I have so throughly, and deeply stirred the old cesspool... repeatedly... there is nothing else there to fear knowing about myself. I've learned the lessons one needs to, from that. Check that box!

A long, long time ago... a very dear friend told me I wasn't a naturally "bad" person; but that I wasn't a saint, either. I was still close enough to Twiggy-hood then, that I was flat out raw, defenseless (but extremely defensive!), naive and scared out of my beaded moccasins about being a grown up and moving away from my mother-home to go to college. So I unconsciously deliberately sabotaged it -- and hooked up with ex #1... such a flaming N, then and now -- because I was afraid of finding myself afraid living in a city, hours from home, failing or making mistakes or not being "good enough"... and having to return to mom... and the damn shame.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.