Hi all:
Home update--THE HOUSE SOLD. I'm in shock and emergency find-housing mode, as the buyers insist on closing Aug. 2, and since my yard sale drama you can imagine how much I feel on top of purging/packing/moving (much less finding and buying and inspecting and financing, while working FT...). Buuuuut...it does mean this limbo is over and a new chapter has begun. Hard to believe it's finally happening.
I'm looking at tiny houses. There are very very few in my price range in this verrrry expensive area. So some are in more urban and poor neighborhoods, and so it goes. One has so much charm it is a serious draw, though again, I'm a bit concerned about aging in place there as a woman alone. I could choose a tiny apt. in the old-age ghetto and my spirit recoils. I'm working hard to not be led by my fears, though, and there are many reasons that bungalow continues to draw me. (There's also a retired cop next door...) Will keep you posted, but it'll be sporadic as between now and the end of July I'll probably be in daily increasing stress mode.
(Or more likely I'll be posting like a maniac every day BECAUSE I'm in stress mode!)
Heart update -- My D is still jobless, in real economic peril (like, no rent) unless she moves mountains within weeks herself. The positive news, relationship wise, is that she has been so affected by her stepmother's terminal condition nearby (and the resulting renewed contact with her brothers), that she has thawed toward me and we're much more in touch. She feels lost and desperate but is talking to me about it, instead of blaming me for it. What a change.
Please send her tsuamis of white light. She feels desperately alone and drowned in debt and has been negative for so long it's hard for her to think new ways, allow for new possibilities or hope. I've sent Goodwill boxes of things she could wear for interviews but she's deeply distracted by the hospice vigil and all the old family dynamics that are playing out there for her.
Good news on the "distraction" front -- she agreed to try ADD Rx, my own dear dr. here (who's also seen her before) arranged for me to fill an Rx and ship it to her. So if that is the "brain focus" rescue for her I'm praying it will be, her life COULD take a turn for the better. Much, much white light needed though...seriously, I do believe in it and thank you from the heart for any thoughts you can send her way (she's in Miami).
love to all--you have supported me so much in absolutely everything, I cannot adequately describe how very, very much you have meant in my life...