Hi fraidy,
I was under attack by N friend to other friends. I didn't discuss, wasn't angry, pretty much ignored ...the slander (or tried to be slander) from N. My friends know me as much as they know N friend. They know (how she is) for she has exposed herself many of times (although) they don't know (narcissism). These are my friends, my family, my sister's. Everyone else she can knock herself out with and may believe her for a while AND I DON'T CARE for they really Don't Know nor do I care to explain, defend, or even know many of them. I know of them (the same way they know of me) through her (words) same slander against them when things are just not going her way or she is in the Devalue Stage. And yes....some was put on facebook when her b/f ran for the hills (out of state) to get away from her. The only thing that happened is (everyone) thought of her as an ass and childish. The post was quickly removed by N but the message was put out there. The response (was of no response) clearly to be seen and commented on.
It was not (online) but there are some offline (that laughed) thought it was great.........AND THEY WERE THE PEOPLE just like her .......Un aware that they are no different or thought about different from N. She destroyed her relationship all by herself with her Ex, her children, her family, some of her friends, employment, new people, old people, and it never ends but it does Blow Up into Flames (as you wrote). I have even heard people try to explain themselves...I didn't, it's lies, let me explain.........and there is NO NEED to explain anything (really) cause I know what she is, what she does, and what she will continue to do.........if you feed her fire it will be eternal....Ignore her, the comments, the non comments, and eventually she will burn herself out, with most people (not all) but most. You will become boring to her after awhile and there will be
the people (around her) whom she wins over (under the new attack) upon them.
Right out of N's mouth (attack upon her bf) on face book.....I do it because I know it upsets him.........She get's a response. She hates, drives her crazy, if she get's No Response and is Ignored.
Facebook is a great tool for N's and a great tool to Expose themselves. They always do. Just some people don't get ..An N? They do get (anyone normal) that it's not Normal to Air anything personal on a Wall/Post or thier feelings about another......N or Not. They are sour grapes and something is done for a reason!!!!!!! To Harm!! in N case.
Ignore it. Delete her. You can't shut them up!!! So shut them Out!