It seems like such a small thing, really.
The last straw was today, I went to drop off my son to spend a few hours with Madame Puppet Master (N-mother) and then my husband was supposed to pick up kiddo and take her grocery shopping. It was arranged a couple weeks ago because she no longer drives and needs help getting to the store.
(I should mention that this was arranged during a different visit, which was spurred by another one of her fake "emergencies".)
But when I got there, it wasn't good enough (yeah big surprise) that Ted was going to take her shopping, it had to be ME, because she had plans with friends and it might be too late if she waited for Ted.
The fact that I had plans meant nothing to her.
So, patsy that I am, I took her. Of course there was bribe money involved.
This made me late for work. Being late for work meant I had ato stay later to make up the lost time. Being late meant I missed the rush and missed out on money.
Staying late made me late for hockey lessons. Being late for hockey and the attendant irritation caused me to lace up my skates too tight and put myself in intense pain. Of course I got nothing out of the half lesson I did get to.
Not to mention what I did to my diet today.
And that was the last straw.
I am done being yanked around like a puppet. I thought I could continue to be a good daughter, keeping myself safely insulated from her psychotic nature, indefinitely. I can't. Her incredible self-involvement seeps out of her and ruins everything it touches.
I can't take being around her. Every time I see her, I find myself eating my heart out-literally. I have lots of food issues. I need to get tpat tehm, and I cant do it, as long as she is in my life.
Being around her makes me feel selfish and unworthy for wanting the simplest things--like time to exercise or be alone with my family.
After I come from her house, I always feel somewhat self-destructive. I have incredible urges to hurt myself in some bizarre, subtle way. For example, I have urges to eat or drink to excess (Very self destructive, especially considering my hitory of food and weight, and the fact taht I am a model and dancer, my income and marketability depending on my appearance). After I leave her house, I feel I do not deserve time for myself, for simple things like exercise or reading for pleasure or working on my website. When I am in her house, I do nothing but eat, the whole time I am there. Then I feel guilty and stupid and fat, and want to punish my fat self for eating. Then I dont feel like I deserve food.
So I'm done. I don't need my one or two days a week with my husband sabotaged by her constant demands to be entertained. I don't need to interrupt my son's home-school schedule for fake emergencies. There was a small amount of money involved, but you know what? I'd rather take a couple more days a month at work and earn the money the easy way than have to put up with her any longer.
I feel like a truly horrible person. I accepted her money and gifts for a long time, trying to stick it out and have some kind of relationship with her. I can't keep doing it, though. I should do it, for the financial gain of my family. I should be able to make it work.
But....I can't. I have tired, and tried, and tried. every time I try to be nice, she takes advantage. Nothing we ever do is ever enough. She always wants more. I have been late to work so many times because of her, and I even lost one pretty good job from being always so late. When we go over to her house, she never wants us to leave. then she whines about how she worries about me driving home so late. (Well, jeeze, if I had left 2 hours ago like I wanted to. . . ) If she wants to see me, she is relentless. If I tell her no, I don't want to go out to dinner, she comes up with a fake medical emergency. If I show up fo rthat, suddenly she feels better and wants to go out for dinner!
We have known for some time that this is what is happening, but we have just put up with it. We have tried setting limits and boundaries, devsiing plans and strategies, and nothing works. It always ends up the same way. My day gets ruined (and sometimes the next 2 or 3 days in the aftermath), my family suffers, and I end up feeling miserable and hurting myself.
I'm so done.