Author Topic: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...  (Read 2619 times)


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Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:36:17 AM »
Hi Kay,

pull up a chair and "set a spell". Would you like some sweet tea? A coffee? Can I get you anything? Just make yourself at home.

Glad to see you've started telling your story. Just saying it, I think, helps a person sooo much. And even better, saying it among people who know - who've experienced those kinds of things - well, a lot of us are still hanging out here because that feels so good and helps so much. Especially with the struggles we have in the "present".

For the first time ever, it occurred to me that maybe I wasn’t to blame for the way my mom had always treated me.  For the first time ever, I thought maybe I’m not all the things she’d always told me I was: “difficult,” “naive,” “over-sensitive,” “defiant,” “sick,” “crazy,” “born angry,” “inherently fearful/cautious/reserved/introverted” and on and on and on.

I hope you don't mind me, reposting this here. It really connected with me and my "story"'; I'd been told exactly the same kinds of things about myself... but it was really a revelation, when it was pointed out to me, that ONLY my mom saw this in me. Other folks, not so much. Makes a person go "huh." And you think about this a long time, from a lot of different perspectives.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you! When it feels right, tell us some more about your present... how it's connected to the past... and we can chat back & forth here. The other section is all yours - to tell your story without questions, interruption, any way you want to. That was one thing I did, that helped a lot - was tell that story about "what happened" over & over - in one long stream of journals... in "Twiggy's Tale of Woe" on the member's page (I can't remember if that's still up; I told it so many times I was getting bored by the story, I think.)... and in bits & pieces on this conversational side of the forum.

Saying it "out loud" - and especially getting other people's feedback & validation - is the opposite of "voicelessness". We're here... and we'll listen to you. And we're patient... so you don't need to feel pressured to "spill the beans" all at once, or in any set way. Do what "feels right" for you.

I'm glad you're here!  ((((((((((((Kay))))))))))))

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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2011, 06:47:59 PM »
Dear Amber,

I can’t quite thank you enough for this note.  It means so much to me to know that you can relate.  And to get advice from you and other people who are farther along in this emotional process. 

Some days (today is one of them), I just feel so damn crazy.  Like why can’t I just shut up about this stuff, get over it, just concentrate on the family that I am  building with my husband and forget the my FOO is and was a living nightmare.

A little more about today...I’ve been feeling really anxious about our finances.  Not sure how we’re going to survive beyond the next couple of months.  Whatever.  Most people these days are in the same boat, I know.  But I was really praying that I was going to be able to sell this essay I’d written (I’m a sometimes-writer) and score a dearly-needed paycheck.

At any rate, this essay had a lot to do with my NM and how becoming a mother myself has been forcing me to confront a lot of childhood wounds.  Well, heard back from my editor.  Not only does she pretty much hate it--don’t see much chance of it being published--but she also had the below personal advice to give:

“The problem here isn’t XYZ, the problem is your mother – and being drawn back into your past by your present. Happens to all of us. I went to a shrink when I found out from I was having a daughter. He asked what the problem was. I ranted and raved about my mother for 50 min. Then he said one sentence: you are not your mother, and your daughter will not be you. Okay, then. Problem solved. And it was!”

Why can’t I get over this the way my colleague did?  Why can’t I just throw my hands up and say, “Oh well, s*** happens.  I’m not my mother.  I’m going to go off and enjoy the rest of my life now.”  Because life is short and precious, right?  And I don't want to spend the rest of my life being this miserable.

My FOO continues to be a source of stress and anxiety.  Enabling and possibly co-N Dad is a drunk.  NM has completely ruined relationship between me and my sister--she is the GC, we haven't really spoken (beyond a few polite words) in about three years.  NM is pretty much the only one in the family I have a relationship with, and she is calling more and more frequently because she is unemployed, needs narcissistic supply.  Also, she is acting (and I do mean acting, like a bad actress) all sweet to me because my career is floundering, I am failing, and she always totally gets off on that.  Even if I went NC and walked away from it all, I don’t know that I’d feel any better.  Lately, it’s impossible to live in the present.  Everyday feels like my crappy childhood all over again.

Sorry for the rant...Just feeling destitute and a bit of a failure.

Redhead Erin

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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2011, 08:17:03 PM »
If everything was that easy, there would be no shrinks in the world. 

I wish I knew what to tell you, but I am in almost the same boat. Welcome aboard. 


(Those were hugs by the way!)


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2011, 08:56:33 PM »
welcome, KZ...and much empathy.

I am sorry for the real waves of uncertainty ($$) -- I'm surfing too, sometimes just feel overwhelmed by the fear. Community helps me then, and insisting (periodically) that I stop and be present, in the present...

Don't know if this will sound like empathy but I truly mean it that way. Your chilling and deft portrait of your mother (especially the way she relates to babies) made me feel like taking a shower.

Truly disturbing. I think your revulsion is a very healthy thing to be feeling...and boundaries essential.

Like so many here, you will have to build those new, healthier limits and boundaries with her a brick at a time. She is like a human oil spill -- her own ocean of grossity that you feel polluted by.

Your "pollution" response is a sign of your growing inner HEALTH!

best to you, and courage --

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2011, 10:05:26 AM »
:: shivers!!! ::

Some of your description of your mom's treatment of you connects with some of my story. ACK! SCARY! But, it's OK for me to say that, and keep reading and responding. We're never "the only ones", you know?

It sounds like, your colleague had garden variety fears and self-doubts, so it's understandable that she was able to quickly accept and assume the emotional security needed to be a mom. The level of experience might've been way less intense for her, you know? From what you've written, what you experienced wasn't just a normal level intensity of friction between a mom and daughter. It's clear your experience was intense, and lord knows, it wasn't healthy for a child. What you experienced was something "completely different"... and I'm gonna go out on a limb & say that this experience probably makes you a better mom, than you think.

I have one suggestion that might help with your immediate "present moment" needs, while not forcing yourself to just "get over" the feelings, memories and experiences that are coming up for you. Schedule a specific time each day to write some of this out. Doesn't matter if you journal or use "Kay's Story". Whatever feels right for you. A time that's quiet, undisturbed and just for you. (hard to do with kids... but they'll get used to it, too!) You also need to limit the time, to whatever is manageable and allows you to "return to" and be fully engaged with the rest of your life. The idea is to keep the two time frames separate - past and present - in your writing. When there is a great need to "tell your story"... it will unconsciously show up in your work on topics that may seem completely unrelated... unless you dedicate a sacred space/time to honoring that past, all by itself. This is an appointment you NEED to keep with yourself and if something comes up that is "more important", you still have to make up that time and give the part of yourself that needs to "get all this out" and deal with it the way you want & need to... that time and space. That's what I mean about making a sacred place for this. It's honoring what you've lived, who you are, what you need... and it's also a way to "process", i.e., come to terms with what your past was. This kind of journey enriches life and experience and helps you grow and blossom... even though parts of it can be emotionally difficult, stressful, and maybe in some places, horrifying.

We've studied and in some degree, come to terms with, our own dark places and experiences and "things done to us". And, in some degree again, been able to leave it in the past and "get over it". You can too. [disclaimer: we still have bad days and times, too - that's just life] You are not a "hopeless case" and I'm gonna guess again... and say there's nothing really "wrong" with you that can't be "put right" with the process of telling your story, your way and finding out you're not "the only one".
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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2011, 01:53:53 PM »


:cry: So many parts of your story are like mine.

Ruminating seems to be a part of the path to emotional health. 

You're on the right track, I believe.  Sometimes it will seem like you've made no progress, but later you'll find that you have.  Minuscule bits and pieces of healthiness are forming inside you.

Hugs to you,



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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2011, 11:18:34 PM »
If everything was that easy, there would be no shrinks in the world. 

I wish I knew what to tell you, but I am in almost the same boat. Welcome aboard. 


(Those were hugs by the way!)

Erin, I haven't seen you post here in forever! <hugs>


Welcome. My heart goes out to you that you're in this situation, but I'm glad you can see how your N mom is trying to prey on you.  As far as other people being able to move on, I find myself saying "Shit happens" to others, but my heart on the inside is broken. 


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2011, 06:08:32 AM »
Hi, KayZee.

I got chills when I read how the NWombDonor spiked your food with laxatives because she believed you weren't going to the bathroom enough!!!!  I thought:  "My God!  I've met not just one but TWO IDIOTS who attempted to do EXACTLY that to me AND a newborn baby!"  If I may explain:

I used to work as an interpreter for the Deaf many, many moons ago and two close friends of mine were expecting their first child.  They designated me as their interpreter and it was thrilling to watch my now-godson come into the world!  The birth also coincided with the BIG BLIZZARD of 1979 and I was snowed in with the family, which included the new parents, the newborn, the paternal grandparents, paternal aunt, and paternal great-grandmother.  The baby's great-grandmother had an OBSESSION with laxatives and was constantly trying to feed me meals spiked with them!   :shock:  I was always removing these pills and telling her to leave my plumbing alone.  Then, one day, I overheard the baby's great-grandmother and baby's grandmother discussing how they were going to slip laxatives into the newborn when the parents' backs were turned!   :shock: :shock:  THIS INFANT WAS LESS THAN A WEEK OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:  Their excuse?  They actually told me they believed this newborn wasn't going to the bathroom enough!!!!!!   WTF?!?!?!?!?  :?

I was so outraged that I got loud and told both of them that IF either one of them went near that infant, I would knock them through a brick wall!!!   :evil:  I made sure the baby's parents were aware of what these two IDIOTS were planning on doing!!!  The baby's father attempted to convince me that it was all talk and no threat.  I pointed out what his grandmother/baby's great-grandmother tried to do to me, which made the threat all the more real since this infant could not defend himself like I could protect myself.  His wife/baby's mother pointed out that these two DING BATS were no longer permitted to babysit their toddler nephew because they fed that child laxatives!!!!

I thought the mold was broken after I met these two Whack-jobs.  Then I read about your NWomb-Donor!!!   YYYYRRRRRCCCCHHH!!!!!!!!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2011, 07:49:42 AM »
I think there is a very bizarre obsession with poo in parts of this culture's disturbed-woman psyche.

Some kind of internalized disownership of their own bodies, that they project onto infants'....

Whaddo I know, but it struck me...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2011, 09:24:38 AM »

When you think of it, our bodies (women's) from the waist down are made up of all sorts of 'pouches'.  Well there are a couple of pretty important ones above the waist too!  My granddaughter made a very funny remark about all of that (which I can't remember now).  The thing I do remember is the truth in what she said.  As I write this, it doesn't seem very relevant. 



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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2011, 07:45:22 PM »
I can't thank you all enough.  Truly, your messages kept me sane on a very low day...

Amber, your advice re: scheduling a time of day, every day, to write about all this stuff is brilliant.  I'm going to try my damndest to follow through with that.  I've definitely noticed that the days when I don't want to acknowledge these feelings--or don't think I have time to--are the worst.  The harder I try to forget NM, the more she pops up in everyone and everything I set my eyes on.

A friend loaned me a copy of the latest issue of Vanity Fair.  There's a really great, but very sad, article in it about Courtney Love and how she's obsessed with this alleged fraud (thinks people in her org. have forged her signature on loads of expenses, stolen her money, etc).  Anyway, at one point in the article, someone says Courtney could easily be very rich and successful if only she would just forget about the fraud, stop talking about it, thinking about it, obsessing about it.

I bring this up only because some days I think my NM and my childhood is to me what the fraud is to Courtney Love.  What better things would I be doing, pursuing thinking about if I wasn't bogged down with all this stuff?...

But you are all right.  Baby steps.  One day at a time.  Small, daily progress leads to big change.  *At least I hope*

Thank you all again.  You're extraordinary women.
lots of love, Kay


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2011, 07:51:12 PM »
P.S.- Hops, I will be thinking of you and sending you lots of positive cash-flow vibes! 

And Bones... Good for you for standing up to that nasty granny!  I don't even know where to begin (or end) rationalizing the N potty obsessions.  Maybe some N's are stuck in Freud's anal stage of development.  What's that, like, age two?  Sounds about right.. NM is such a toddler.


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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2011, 07:44:05 AM »
Kay, I forgot to say - that by giving those feelings & memories "their due", by writing them, over & over again - I was able to purge them out of the obsessive level... I still "remember" and can still feel all those feelings... but they're no longer such a big part of "me" now... and I can wander out in the sunshine and play or sit inside and curl up with a book or whatever I want... without feeling "haunted" by all of that past.

I'm encouraged that you like this idea. My wish is that you are able to address this in short order and don't spend as long as I did, on this!! I'm a bit stubborn and hard-headed and my inner child is very much like a feral cat... they always do the opposite of what you want them to do and then wink at you while they're doing it!! (It's not all doom & gloom back in the past, in other words... I'm sure you'll also find your inner genuine "self" and learn to feel comfortable in your own skin, too.)
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Re: Kay's Story: Welcome! Sit and talk awhile...
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2011, 11:00:26 AM »
P.S.- Hops, I will be thinking of you and sending you lots of positive cash-flow vibes! 

And Bones... Good for you for standing up to that nasty granny!  I don't even know where to begin (or end) rationalizing the N potty obsessions.  Maybe some N's are stuck in Freud's anal stage of development.  What's that, like, age two?  Sounds about right.. NM is such a toddler.

Thanks, Kay Zee and you are right that N's have a mental age of about two!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!