hi hi,
haven't been here in ages, myself, and just popped in and out a wee while ago...
and I have to say a huge "Thank You" to everyone for still being here!
You all are my safe port in a storm.

Thank you Sallying Forth, for the websites, very helpful.
Have been struggling with the dynamics of an aging NM, whose behaviour is becoming more dramatic and grandiose, and who is living in her own fantasy world, but who also at age 92 has just passed all the Medical Tests given by her doctor... because she has put on a perfect facade... so she is still living on her own, in her home, driving her hot red car, and making crazy decisions... she is brilliant and a N, what a dangerous combination!
And so it goes.
All this to say, Hi everyone, I haven't been here in a while, either, but am so glad to be part of this group (Thank You, Dr. G), with the comfort of knowing you are here, that I am not alone in this struggle, and that you Understand how I feel ... !!! Most people have Nooooooo idea!

(ps: just having a bit of fun with the faces... don't mind me!)