Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: gratitude28 on June 27, 2012, 11:21:26 PM
Wondering about our friend in the wheelchair who used to be here so often. Is she well? I can't find her name or old posts here. I can't pull her name out of my brain! There are many of us who go away and I pray that they leave with skills and knowledge that make life happier. I miss all of you - went over the list of members and wonder where so many of you are!
I have been happy. So much of what you have taught me here has helped with my outlook and understanding. I am not angry anymore. I have moved on. Sadly, my kids know their grandmother is not normal. They pieced it together. As, I said, my sister recognizes all of the strangeness and sickness now and that helps me tremendously - I don't feel alone. I still have my husband's mom to show me what motherly love is. And I have made and raised great kids. I adore them and they make me so happy.
I will go back and see my parents this summer. No doubt it will be trying, but I will get through!!!
Love you guys!
Was wondering the same thing. Was that "Skits"? or "Izzy"
Izzy became Skits last year. I think she just posted on Hops' thread.
Beth: she's really been through it!!! Poor dear. But still the sense wry sense of humor & ability to carry on, in fine style I might add.
I found her!!! Thanks all!!!!
Well Beth,
Weren't you sneaky!