Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Dr. Richard Grossman on March 22, 2019, 08:04:18 PM
Hi everybody,
For those in the Boston area, my new 10-minute play/musical “Gagtime!” will be performed at the Boston Theater Marathon XXI on May 19, 2019. I'll know what time the play will run and which theater company will perform it within a few weeks and post it on this thread.
Hope to see you there!
P.S. "Gagtime!" has now been published on the Smashwords eBook website: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/944020
Very exiting, Doc G!
Congrats, and I look forward to reading the play since I don't live nearby: )
I wanna know when you're going to be on Broadway, Doc G!
This is amazing; I'm so excited for you.
I keep wondering if All Those Moments and Dialogues in giving therapy have led to an explosion of conversations in your head, a creative collection of Humans Talking that just HAS to come out. So in your wisdom, you have found the specific creative outlet that is absolutely perfect for this kind of experience. Playwriting!
Hugs and kudos,
Thanks, Lighter! I’ll let you know when/where I publish it. Sorry you can’t be there!
And thanks, Hops! As you know I’ve spent 40 years intimately observing human beings, inside and out. So, I guess I have something to write about! “Gagtime!” is the first sitcom that I have written—I wrote it a couple hours before the submission deadline just to have a piece in the “contest.” But as one of my dear patients reminded me, the play is all about subtext—and certainly, repetition. So the only crucial “element” of human behavior (as I write in my book) that is missing is “character.” Two out of three ain’t bad, so I shouldn’t feel like I completely sold out in order to get the play performed!
Thanks, again, to both of you,
I do my best work under the gun, Doc. Can't wait to see what you accomplished in such a short span of time, w hours! Well done!
Hi everybody,
To those in the Boston area, my 10-minute play/musical "Gagtime!" will be performed in the 2019 Boston Theater Marathon on Sunday, May 19th, at the Calderwood Pavilion (Virginia Wimberly Theatre) in the Boston Center for the Arts. The play will be in the 2 - 3 pm time slot, and I am honored to have Boston based actors and theater arts professors Valerie Madden, Kathleen Donahue, Robert Murphy, and Craig Mathers in the cast--and Joseph Antoun as director! Tickets can be purchased in advance for $25 at this URL: https://www.bostontheatrescene.com/season/reserve.aspx…
I hope to see you there!
Wish I was there, Doc!
Congrats, and well done: )
Thanks, Lighter! I've been enjoying the rehearsals--a terrific cast and director!
That is soooooooo exciting!
Good on you, Doc G!!
Almost show time!
Embrace the butterflies, Doc!
Hi Hops and Lighter,
The actors and director (all Emerson College professors) were great--I got to go to both rehearsals and the technical staging. The play was well received and all of us had fun. As one of the actors wrote afterwards to the rest of us: "Same time next year?!!!)
Thanks for your good wishes!
Woo hoo! Havin'fun now, Doc. So glad to read things went so well, and....
Are you saying this was a musical? The thought put a big grin on my face!